How to configure Roadblocking / Creative Display for Display, Video and Master/Companion Items in Google AdManager?

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Order Manager - Fulfilment; Product Manager - Product Manager / Sales Support / Marketing 

ADvendio Edition


External Systems

Google AdManager


When you are handling items, which use multiple creatives and serve in different sizes, Google AdManager offers a variety of options. When preparing your Campaign Items in ADvendio, which of these options are supported and how can you set them?



To support these different settings, ADvendio offers a set up at the Ad Type object. This way you can predefine the roadblocking and creative settings on a product level. Currently it is not possible to overwrite these for individual Campaign Items.


Regular Display Items

For regular display line items in Google, the following settings are available:

ADvendio AdType field

Possible Values

Google AdManager Field

ADvendio AdType field

Possible Values

Google AdManager Field

Roadblocking Type

  • Only one

  • One or more

  • As many as possible

  • All roadblock

Display Creatives

Creative Rotation Type

  • Evenly

  • Optimized

  • Weighted

  • Sequential

Rotate Creatives

Master/Companion Items

Master/Companion Items are created, when you configure Master Sizes as well as Companion Sizes on your Ad Type. Once this is selected different Creative Settings are available:

ADvendio AdType field

Possible Values

Google AdManager Field

ADvendio AdType field

Possible Values

Google AdManager Field

Roadblocking Type

  • Creative Set

*Please always set this value if you plan to use Companion Delivery Options


Companion Delivery Option

  • Optional

  • All

  • At Least One

*Requires the Roadblocking Type to be set to ‘Creative Set’, otherwise it will be ignored

Display Companions

Creative Rotation Type

  • Evenly

  • Optimized

  • Weighted

  • Sequential

Rotate Creatives

Video & Audio Items

By setting the Environment Type field to Video, you are able to change your Ad Types to video items for Google AdManager. This offers your the following additional roadblocking settings:

ADvendio AdType field

Possible Values

Google AdManager Field

ADvendio AdType field

Possible Values

Google AdManager Field

Companion Delivery Option

  • Optional

  • All

  • At Least One

Display Companions

Creative Rotation Type

  • Evenly

  • Optimized

  • Weighted

  • Sequential

Rotate Creatives


Common Error Messages and what might be the reason


Error Message

Reason for the error?

How to fix it?

Error Message

Reason for the error?

How to fix it?

[LineItemError.CANNOT_UPDATE_TO_OR_FROM_CREATIVE_SET_ROADBLOCK @ lineItem[0].roadBlockingType, LineItemError.ROADBLOCKS_WITH_NONROADBLOCKS_NOT_ALLOWED @ lineItem[0].creativePlaceholders; trigger:'(1)640x480']

ADvendio is trying to apply roadblocking settings to an item, for which no roadblocking applies. This is usually the case, when handling regular display items without companion sizes.

Make sure that the field Roadblocking Type on your Ad Type is not set to ‘Creative Set’

Or if you want to use ‘Creative Set’ make sure your item is Master/Companion, by adding the relevant companion sizes into the Companion Sizes field.

[LineItemError.COMPANIONS_NOT_ALLOWED @ lineItem[0].creativePlaceholders; trigger:'(1)300x250 ((1)100x300), (1)728x90 ((1)100x300)']

ADvendio is trying to use companion sizes for an item, for which they are not valid.

This might be, because of the item type or because your Google Network does not support Master/Companion Items.

Make sure to remove any companion sizes in the Companion Sizes field on the Ad Type.

[LineItemError.VIDEO_INVALID_ROADBLOCKING @ lineItem[0].roadBlockingType; trigger:'AS_MANY_AS_POSSIBLE', LineItemError.COMPANION_DELIVERY_OPTION_REQUIRE_PREMIUM @ lineItem[0].companionDeliveryOption]

ADvendio is trying to set Companion Delivery Options or Roadblocking Settings, which are not allowed because the Google Network is not a premium network.

Please remove all values set in the fields:

  • Roadblocking Type

  • Companion Delivery Option

For your AdType and try the submit again.


There is no specific setup required to use these configurations, once you have the basic Google AdManager configuration up and running.

If you can not find the specific fields mentioned here or picklist values are missing, please let your System Administrator check the following:

  • Are all the mentioned fields added to the specific page layout you are using?

  • Are the fields part of the profiles or permission sets your users are using? And do they have edit rights?

  • For picklist fields it might be required to manually add the relevant picklist values as mentioned here.