Info |
Please take note that the version number 2.132 and 2.133 were skipped due to internal reasons. To install ADvendio please use
Before updating ADvendio from a lower to the newest version you first need to install version 2.104. See links below! Please ensure that you are not logged into a salesforce org where you don't wish to install ADvendio! We recommend that you either use an incognito window of your browser or use a different browser altogether to install new versions. Need help during the installation? See our upgrade tips. Attention: We're constantly improving ADvendio, but this also means certain features will be removed or replaced. Please check our Deprecation Schedule periodically to see if this affects you. |
Version | Type | Components | Description | ADvendio Ticket No. |
2.134.4 | Changes & Optimizations | AdServer Gateway / AdManager (DFP), Delivery Data | Fixed an issue where the Enhanced DeliveryData import for Google Ad Manager had a wrong Batch count. This impacted the performance, once data were imported for more than 100 Campaign Items. | AD-6281 |
2.134.4 | Changes & Optimizations | Finance / Invoicing / PreInvoice Wizard | Fixed an issue where the Pre Invoice Generation ignored the Item-Name mapping. | AD-6284 |
2.134.4 | Changes & Optimizations | Key Values, Media Configuration | Fixed an issue where copying Key Values and Audience Segment values did not work. | AD-6275 |
2.134.4 | Changes & Optimizations | Targeting Sets | Fixed an issue where the use of flexible Targeting Sets lead to an error in specific combinations of items. | AD-6212 |
To install ADvendio please use
Installation link 2.134.5 for your production environment (org) or
Installation link 2.134.5 to update your sandbox.
Version | Type | Components | Description | ADvendio Ticket No. |
2.134.5 | Changes & Optimizations | Audience Segments, Media Configuration | Fixed an issue where Audience Segment Targeting was shown twice on the PDF for Google Ad Manager items. Please take note that we needed to remove the clear button for the Key Values field in Media Configuration. You can still remove your values in the selection. | AD-6313 |
2.134.5 | Changes & Optimizations | Programmatic / Media Campaign Generation | Fixed Issues with the Programmatic Media Campaign generation, which were leading to mismatching numbers. One problem was that once more than 2.000 programmatic advertisers or programmatic prices were matched to a single account or ad price, not all of the revenue was used for the Media Campaigns. Second was that in some cases not the correct time zone was taken into account, leading to problems that multiple ‘empty’ Media Campaigns were created, once there was already an existing Campaign with programmatic revenue. | AD-6307 AD-6311 |