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To install ADvendio please use
Please ensure that you are not logged into a salesforce org where you don't wish to install ADvendio! We recommend that you either use an incognito window of your browser or use a different browser altogether to install new versions. Need help during the installation? See our upgrade tips. Attention: We're constantly improving ADvendio, but this also means certain features will be removed or replaced. Please check our Deprecation Schedule periodically to see if this affects you. |
Version | Type | Components | Description | ADvendio Ticket No. |
2.163.2 | Changes & Optimizations | API, Dynamic Pricing/Price Rules | Fixed an issue in the Price Rule logic where Media Campaign relevant fields needed to be considered in addition to ensure they can be used for matching. | AD-7979 |
2.163.2 | Improvement | Campaign Builder | Enhanced the Campaign Builder to support Key Value targeting for AdsWizz and have a longer field length for the Item Configuration Setting fields. | AD-8461 |
2.163.2 | Improvement | Campaign Builder, Dynamic Pricing/Price Rules | Fixed an issue in the Campaign Builder Price Rule logic where Targeting Groups/Sets were not working as matching criteria for the Campaign Builder. | AD-8545 |
2.163.2 | Changes & Optimizations | Enhanced Delivery Data | We fixed a problem in our Enhanced Delivery Reports feature, which was setting a wrong breakdown type in the data. This was blocking Accounting features to work with the data and generate Accounting Records. | AD-8548 |
2.163.2 | Changes & Optimizations | Integration / Xandr | We fixed a problem, where Xandr video items were sent with a CPCv revenue setting to Xandr, even if it’s supposed to be CPM. | AD-8522 |
2.163.2 | Changes & Optimizations | Integration / Xandr, Submit to AdServer | There were problems with pushing certain Items to Xandr if in ADvendio a discount of 100% is set. We introduced a logic to enable the submit of CPC items in this situation. More information can be found here: Augmented Line Items (And CPC Items for Xandr) | AD-8392 |
2.163.2 | Changes & Optimizations | Integration / Xandr | We improved our error handling within the Xandr integration, where in certain cases the Submit of new Items to Xandr failed, but it did not show a proper error message in ADvendio. Now the right messages should be displayed. | AD-8223 |
2.163.2 | Changes & Optimizations | Invoice / Invoice item cancelation | Fixed an issue with the “Select Invoice Items” button in the new Cancel Invoice action. | AD-8557 |
2.163.2 | Changes & Optimizations | Media Configuration | Im proved the heap size when opening the Media Configuration to edit one of multiple packages in a Media Campaign. | AD-8400 |
2.163.2 | Improvement | Optimizer | We fixed logic how invoices Pre-Invoices are issued when Merge All Cancelation type is used for Total invoicing. | AD-8309 |
2.163.2 | Task | Media Configuration | We fixed an issue with editing Campaign Items in Media Configuration related to a Special Discount field error. This prevented to copy and save existing Campaign when opening invoiced items in the Media Configuration. | AD-8565, AD-8490 |
To install ADvendio please use
Installation link 2.163.3 for your production environment (org) or
Installation link 2.163.3 to update your sandbox
Version | Type | Components | Description | ADvendio Ticket No. |
2.163.3 | Changes & Optimizations | Invoice / Invoice item cancelation | Fixed an issue where Package components were shown on the PDF although the setting to show them was set to false. | AD-8575 |