In order to start using the ADvendio Linkedin Integration, you will need to set up a new record of the Linkedin connection in ADvendio. Please, follow the steps below:
In the main Advendio menu type “Connections”
Create a new connection record by selecting the option “New”
Select “Linkedin” as a new record type
A screen “New connection: Linkedin” LINKEDIN” will open, enter data in the field “User Name” (mandatory) and fill in all the rest information (if necessary), and press Save. It will create a new connection.
Open the new Connection record you just created
In the right upper corner Click “Generate AdServer OAuth Token”
After your Linkedin username pops up, click Submit
Under “Generate Authorization Code you will see “Link to Ad Server”
Log into Linkedin, accept the authentication
Copy the token authorization code and paste it into the ADvendio field