Info |
To install ADvendio please use
Please ensure that you are not logged into a salesforce org where you don't wish to install ADvendio! We recommend that you either use an incognito window of your browser or use a different browser altogether to install new versions. Need help during the installation? See our upgrade tips. Attention: We're constantly improving ADvendio, but this also means certain features will be removed or replaced. Please check our Deprecation Schedule periodically to see if this affects you. |
Version | Type | Components | Description | ADvendio Ticket No. |
2.163.4 | Changes & Optimizations | License module | Prepared our License Check logic for an an upcoming change in our License Module. | AD-8574 |
2.163.4 | Changes & Optimizations | Optimizer | We have fixed an Optimizer issue connected which was blocking the usage of the Optimizer. | AD-8603 |
2.163.4 | Changes & Optimizations | Installation | We have solved Installation error for encrypted fields used in formulas. | AD-8572 |
2.163.4 | Improvements | Campaign Builder | We have enhanced the Campaign Builder to handle packages with multiple rate cards. | AD-8581 |
2.163.4 | Changes & Optimizations | Campaign Builder | We have fixed an issue when Language only locales caused Campaign Builder not to work correctly. | AD-8403 |
2.163.4 | Changes & Optimizations | Integration/ GoogleAdManager | We fixed an issue with Monthly Delivery Data which were not generating for Google AdManager. | AD-8571 |
2.163.4 | Changes & Optimizations | Media Campaign | We have updated Payment Interval of Optimized Media Campaign and fixed an issue related to the logic when updating the payment interval after a Media Campaign has already been invoiced. | AD-8532 |
2.163.4 | Changes & Optimizations | Invoicing / Billing run | We fixed the issue during the billing run of Merge All “cancelation” invoices which were not updated by default. | AD-8555 |
To install ADvendio please use
Installation link 2.163.5 for your production environment (org) or
Installation link 2.163.5 to update your sandbox
Version | Type | Components | Description | ADvendio Ticket No. |
2.163.5 | Changes & Optimizations | Amount Calculation | Fixed an issue where Media Campaign Discount summary fields were not updated when Campaign Items had a discount of 100%. | AD-8655 |
2.163.5 | Improvement | Pre-Invoice generation | Fixed the update of invoice amounts after changing the payment interval. | AD-8590 |
2.163.5 | Improvement | Accounts, Fiscal period | Fixed an issue where the installation failed due to a missing setup of fiscal years in past or future. | AD-8488 |
2.163.5 | Changes & Optimizations | Media Configuration | Fixed an issue where Publication Dates marked as required field in the Media Configuration were not taken into account. | AD-8335 |
2.163.5 | Changes & Optimizations | Daily Delivery Report, Monthly Delivery Report | Fixed an issue in delivery imports where some data were imported for future Revenue Schedules instead of just the current one. | AD-8604 |
2.163.5 | Changes & Optimizations | Integration / Google AdManager | Fixed an issue where the Start date of Google Ad Manager items was not updating when set to todays date. | AD-8611 |
2.163.5 | Improvement | Integration / Xandr | Enhanced the Xandr logic to submit Advertiser Billing names only with a maximum of 50 characters to avoid errors during submit. | AD-8234 |