Note |
Please take note that the following syntax (JSON) is required to set the filter values and that no blanks should be set. |
Field | Explanation | Syntax explanation if needed | Example |
Content Filter Values | Can be set by taking field values and parsing them into the correct format as shown on the right . Please follow the JSON syntax. Starting object is the Ad Price object. | { "ADvendio__Content__c":[ "a0u3N000000NAxFQAW" ], "ADvendio__Content__r.ADvendio__ParentContent__c":"a0u3N000000NAxFQAV"} | |
Filter Values | Can be set by taking field values and parsing them into the correct format as shown on the right. Please follow the JSON syntax. Starting object is the Ad Price object. | {"ADvendio__Billing_Category__c":"CPD"} | |
Flow Actions | Enables the flow context of this component. | {!$GlobalConstant.True} | |
Last Screen in Flow | If true, the component navigation will finish the flow. If false, the component redirects further in the flow. | {!$GlobalConstant.False} | |
Next Button Custom Label | Provide the text to show for the basket navigation button. | Redirect to Campaign Builder | |
Record Id | Can be set by creating an input text variable in the flow and taking the Media Campaign Id where the flow was started as a value. | a239Z000003GZRVQA4 |