Invoice Item Amount Comparison:
comparison of invoice item amounts already invoiced with those that would be calculated by the next pre-invoice generation, for each specified payment interval (total, yearly, half-yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly).
This comparison is done at the invoice item level, considering amounts B3, B2, B1, N1, N2, and N3
Invoicing Based on Linear Distribution vs. Actual Delivery
There are two types of invoicing: based on the linear distribution and based on actual delivery data (utilizing actual delivery from Revenue Schedules).
For linear distribution, amounts are calculated based on the runtime of the campaign item across payment intervals.
For actual delivery, amounts are calculated based on delivery data in the Revenue Schedule, for billing categories such as CPM, CPC, vCPM, CPCV and Budget
Weekly payment interval is using Revenue Schedules Daily and has to be enabled through the admin setting
New Invoice item fields
Referenced Invoice Number
A new invoice item field has been created to be able to store a relation to an invoice item that is necessary for the delta invoicing solution.A new invoice item fields have been created to improve the handling of the Delta Invoicing:
During the optimization, the reason for the change for every single Campaign item can be added and it is mapped to the invoice item.
API Name: DeltaChangeReason__c
Label: Delta Change Reason
Type: Long Text Area(1000)
Description/Help Text: This field indicates the reason for an adjustment made to an item
API Name: ReferencedInvoiceNumber__c
Label: Referenced Invoice Number
Type: Formula(Text)
Description/Help Text: This field indicates the invoice number that was modified
Code Block |
PositionReference__r.Invoice__r.InvoiceFullNumber__c |
API Name:
Type: Lookup(Invoice Item)
Child Relationship Name: PositionReferences
Description / Help Text: Part of the delta invoicing solution. References to the previous version of the invoice item related invoice item.
to this campaign item
Invoice Item Creation Type