Versions Compared


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For Objects, Fields, Record Types and Picklist Values 

This table contains all new and deprecated objects and fields as well as new, changed or removed record types and picklist values. The table is sorted by version, but you can click on each column to change the sorting.

Field Name


Help Text
Picklist Values/
Record Types
new in Version
deprecated in Version
Wiki article
AccountingRecord__cAdvertising Medium (Delivery Data)DeliveryDataAdvertisingMedium__cLookupThe corresponding site. This field will be set by the accounting record creation process based on delivery data.The corresponding site. This field will be set by the accounting record creation process based on delivery data.


Ad_price__cShow Packages onlyShowPackagesOnly__cformula (Checkbox)A helper formula, can be used by other features to filter for Packages.A helper formula, can be used by other features to filter for Packages.


Ad_price__cTotal Applicable RatestepsTotalApplicableRatesteps__cSummaryThis field automatically calculates the total amount of applicable ratesteps for an Ad Price.This field automatically calculates the total amount of applicable ratesteps for an Ad Price.


Campaign_Item__cAdserver Deal IDAdServerDealId__ctext(255)Stores the Deal ID of your Google Ad Manager proposal line items, once the deal is finished and they are turned into regular Line Items.Filled automatically by the AdServer gateway


Invoice at start of runtimeInvoiceAtStartOfRuntime__cCheckboxThis Campaign Item will be invoiced separately at the start of it's runtimeThis Campaign Item will be invoiced separately at the start of it's runtime


VatAmountB__cVAT Amount (B)Currency


VatExternalNameB__cVAT External Name (B)TextThis field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for this VAT rate (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.Please enter the external name or code of your third party financial system (e.g. SAP FI) matching the VAT Type.


VatRateB__cVAT Rate % (BPercent


FlexiblePaymentPlan__cCreationType__cCreation TypePicklistShows if this feature was created manually or as part of a automated function. This field will be filled automatically by the system and is only relevant for the automatic creation of Flexible Payment Plans.Shows if this feature was created manually or as part of a automated function. This field will be filled automatically by the system and is only relevant for the automatic creation of Flexible Payment Plans.

New Value:

  • Invoice at start of runtime


InvoiceItem__cVATAmountB__cVAT Amount (B)Number (14.4)


VATRateB__cVAT Rate (B) %Percent


VatExternalNameB__cVAT External Name (B)Text (255)This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for this VAT rate (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.Please enter the external name or code of your third party financial system (e.g. SAP FI) matching the VAT Type.


InvoicePreference__cLabelB1N1SumIfSameValue__cSame Value (B1/N1) Sum BlockText (255)


Invoice__cLegalEntityState__cLegal Entity StateText (255)


VATAmount1B__cVAT Amount (Type 1 (B))SummaryRoll-up Summary totaling the VAT for all items of type 1 except Packages.Roll-up Summary totaling the VAT for all items of type 1 except Packages.


VATAmount2B__cVAT Amount (Type 2 (B))SummaryRoll-up Summary totaling the VAT for all items of type 2 except Packages.Roll-up Summary totaling the VAT for all items of type 2 except Packages.


VATRate1B__cVAT Rate % (Type 1 (B))PercentThis VAT rate has been defined in your custom settings and depends on which country is buying from whom. It is automatically set by an apex script.This VAT rate has been defined in your custom settings and depends on which country is buying from whom. It is automatically set by an apex script.


VATRate1Total__cVAT Rate % (Type 1 Total)PercentThis VAT rate has been defined in your custom settings and depends on which country is buying from whom. It is automatically set by an apex script.This VAT rate has been defined in your custom settings and depends on which country is buying from whom. It is automatically set by an apex script.


VATRate2B__cVAT Rate % (Type 2 (B))PercentThis VAT rate has been defined in your custom settings and depends on which country is buying from whom. It is automatically set by an apex script.This VAT rate has been defined in your custom settings and depends on which country is buying from whom. It is automatically set by an apex script.


VATRate2Total__cVATRate2Total__cPercentThis VAT rate has been defined in your custom settings and depends on which country is buying from whom. It is automatically set by an apex script.This VAT rate has been defined in your custom settings and depends on which country is buying from whom. It is automatically set by an apex script.


VatExternalNameType1B__cVAT External Name (Type 1 (B))Text (255)This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.


VatExternalNameType1GroupName__cVAT External Name (Type 1 GroupName)Text (255)This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.


VatExternalNameType1__cVAT External Name (Type 1 (A))Text (255)This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.


VatExternalNameType2B__cVAT External Name (Type 2 (B))Text (255)This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.


VatExternalNameType2GroupName__cVAT External Name (Type 2 (GroupName)Text (255)This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.


VatTotalType1__cVAT Total (Type 1)CurrencyFormula to add the VAT of type 1Formula to add the VAT of type 1


VatTotalType2__cVAT Total (Type 2)CurrencyFormula to add the VAT of type 2.Formula to add the VAT of type 2.


MediaCampaign__cVatAmountType1B__cVAT Amount (Type 1 (B))CurrencyDisplays the total VAT for all items of type 1. Calculated by an APEX script.Displays the total VAT for all items of type 1. Calculated by an APEX script.


VatAmountType1Total__cVAT Amount (Type 1 (Total))CurrencyDisplays the total VAT for all items of type 1. Calculated by an APEX script.Displays the total VAT for all items of type 1. Calculated by an APEX script.


VatAmountType2B__cVAT Amount (Type 2 (B))CurrencyDisplays the total VAT for all items of type 2. Calculated by an APEX script.Displays the total VAT for all items of type 2. Calculated by an APEX script.


VatAmountType2Total__cVAT Amount (Type 2 (Total))CurrencyDisplays the total VAT for all items of type 2. Calculated by an APEX script.Displays the total VAT for all items of type 2. Calculated by an APEX script.


VatExternalNameType1B__cVAT External Name (Type 1 (B))Text (255)This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.


VatExternalNameType1GroupName__cVAT External Name (Type 1 (GroupName))Text (255)This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.


VatExternalNameType2B__cVAT External Name (Type 2 (B))Text (255)This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.


VatExternalNameType2GroupName__cVAT External Name (Type 2 (GroupName))Text (255)This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.


VatRateType1B__cVAT Rate % (Type 1 (B))PercentThis VAT rate has been defined in your custom settings and depends on which country is buying from whom. It is automatically set by an apex script.This VAT rate has been defined in your custom settings and depends on which country is buying from whom. It is automatically set by an apex script.


VatRateType1Total__c<VAT Rate % (Type 1 (Total))PercentThis VAT rate has been defined by your administrator and depends on which country is buying from whom. It is automatically set by an apex script.This VAT rate has been defined by your administrator and depends on which country is buying from whom. It is automatically set by an apex script.


VatRateType2B__cVAT Rate % (Type 2 (B))PercentThis VAT rate has been defined in your custom settings and depends on which country is buying from whom and the type in your ad spec. It is automatically set by an apex script.This VAT rate has been defined in your custom settings and depends on which country is buying from whom and the type in your ad spec. It is automatically set by an apex script.


VatRateType2Total__cVAT Rate % (Type 2 (Total))PercentThis VAT rate has been defined in your custom settings and depends on which country is buying from whom and the type in your ad spec. It is automatically set by an apex script.This VAT rate has been defined in your custom settings and depends on which country is buying from whom and the type in your ad spec. It is automatically set by an apex script.


Quote_Preference__cLabelB1N1SumIfSameValue__cSame Value (B1/N1) Sum BlockText (255)


VAT__c (Custom Setting)ExternalNameB__cExternal Name (B)Text (255)This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for this VAT rate (e.g. SAP FI)This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for this VAT rate (e.g. SAP FI)


ExternalNameVatClassification__cExternal Name VAT ClassificationText (255)This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for this VAT rate (e.g. SAP FI).This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for this VAT rate (e.g. SAP FI).


StateBuyer__cState BuyerText (255)


StateSeller__cState SellerText (255)


VatB__cVAT (B)Percent


Accounting Helper


AccrualCreatedUntil__cAccrual Created UntilDate


CampaignItem__cCampaign ItemLookup


CollectedAmount__cCollected AmountCurrency (18.2)


DistributedAmount__cDistributed AmountCurrency (18.2)


DistributionCompletedUntil__cDistribution Completed UntilDate


InvoiceItem__cInvoice ItemLookup


OpenAccrualAmount__cOpen Accrual AmountCurrency (18.2)


OpenDeferralAmount__cOpen Deferral AmountCurrency (18.2)


AccountingRule__cAccount TramsactionAccountTransactionRecord Type


AdServer_customization__cBilling_Category__cBilling CategoryPicklistChoose the billing category to which these settings shall be applied in the ad server.Choose the billing category to which these settings shall be applied in the ad server.

Deprecated Value:

  • CPMsec


We won't support this Billing Category anymore, existing picklist values need to be deleted manually in your org, see:

What does the label "deprecated" mean?

AdTypeRateCategoryAssingment__cBillingCategory__cBilling Category

Deprecated Value:

  • CPMsec


We won't support this Billing Category anymore, existing picklist values need to be deleted manually in your org, see:

What does the label "deprecated" mean?

AdPrice__cBilling_category__cBilling CategoryPicklistEnter the billing category for this price.Enter the billing category for this price.

Deprecated Value:

  • CPMsec


We won't support this Billing Category anymore, existing picklist values need to be deleted manually in your org, see:

What does the label "deprecated" mean?

Advertiser_Agency_relation__cStatusReportStatus ReportButton


Button will not be supported anymore see:

What does the label "deprecated" mean?

Campaign_Item_cBilling_category__cBilling CategoryPicklistEnter the billing category for this campaign item.Enter the billing category for this campaign item.

Deprecated Value:

  • CPMsec


We won't support this Billing Category anymore, existing picklist values need to be deleted manually in your org, see:

What does the label "deprecated" mean?

Campaign_Item_cAppliedPriceRules__cApplied Price RulesLong Text AreaApplied price rules in json formatApplied price rules in json format


Campaign_Item_cDayTimeTargetingTimeZone__cDay & Time Targeting - Time ZonePicklistSet which time zone will be used for Day &amp; Time Targeting. The possible values depend on the AdServer in use.If nothing is selected, the user/listener/viewer time zone will be used.


  • Agency time zone
  • Campaign Item time zone
  • Listener time zone
  • Publisher time zone
  • Relative to viewer time zone
  • User time zone

2.113 How to set your Campaign Items to only run on certain days or at certain times? (Day & Time Targeting) Configure Day & Time Targeting Tab

Campaign_Item_cMinimumQuantity__cMinimum QuantityNumberYou can optionally set a minimum quantity contractually sold for the Campaign Item used only for reporting purposes (DFP/GAM).You can optionally set a minimum quantity contractually sold for the Campaign Item used only for reporting purposes (DFP/GAM).

2.113 Transfer the Minimum Quantity / Contracted Quantity (DFPGoogle Ad Manager)
Campaign_Item_cExclusivityCheckExclusivity CheckButton


Button will not be supported anymore see:

What does the label "deprecated" mean?



Button will not be supported anymore see:

What does the label "deprecated" mean?

MediaCampaign__cVoucherShippingCopiesReportVoucher Copy Shipping List ReportButton


Button will not be supported anymore see:

What does the label "deprecated" mean?

PublicSettings__cPositionChartCountCellColorPercent1__cPos.Chart:CountcellcolorPct1(deprecated)NumberThis Field is deprecated.This Field is deprecated.


Removed unused Booking Calendar Settings

What does the label "deprecated" mean?

PublicSettings__cPositionChartCountCellColorPercent2__cPos.Chart:CountcellcolorPct2(deprecated)NumberThis Field is deprecated.This Field is deprecated.


Removed unused Booking Calendar Settings

What does the label "deprecated" mean?

PublicSettings__cPositionChartCountCellColorPercent3__cPos.Chart:CountcellcolorPct3(deprecated)NumberThis Field is deprecated.This Field is deprecated.


Removed unused Booking Calendar Settings

What does the label "deprecated" mean?

PublicationDate__cAdFillReportAd Fill Report
Links directly to the Ad Fill report, to have an overview over the planning status of your Publication Dates.


Button will not be supported anymore see:

What does the label "deprecated" mean?

TimeBasedGuaranteedAI__cBillingCategory__cBilling CategoryPicklist

Deprecated Value:

  • CPMsec


We won't support this Billing Category anymore, existing picklist values need to be deleted manually in your org, see:

What does the label "deprecated" mean?

TimeBasedGuaranteedAI__cNewFromAdpriceNew Time-Based Guaranteed AIButton


Button will not be supported anymore see:

What does the label "deprecated" mean?
