Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Only financial changes are taken into consideration considered by the pre-invoice generation and the following items are being compared to evaluate if it is a financial change or not.


(warning) QR code feature users should map the correct amount to the ESR reference.

Following The following invoice fields will calculate the outstanding + the already paid amount:



Delta API Name

Delta Label

Normal Formula API Name (can be taken as reference)

NonTaxableAmountDstDelta__c + TaxableAmountDstOutstanding__c + DstAmountOutstanding__c


Outstanding Invoiced Amount Gross (DST)


VATAmount1Outstanding__c + VATAmount1BOutstanding__c


Outstanding VAT Total (Type 1)


VATAmount2Outstanding__c + VATAmount2BOutstanding__c


Outstanding VAT Total (Type 2)


TaxableAmountVatType1Outstanding__c + TaxableAmountVatType2Outstanding__c


Outstanding Taxable Amount (VAT Total)


VatTotalType1Outstanding__c + VatTotalType2Outstanding__c


Outstanding VAT Total


TaxableAmountTotalOutstanding__c + VatTotalOutstanding__c + NonTaxableAmountTotalOutstanding__c


Outstanding Invoiced Amount Gross (Total)


ROUND(InvoicedAmountTotalOutstanding__c * Early_Payment_Discount__c,2)


Outstanding Early Payment Discount abs.


InvoicedAmountTotaOutstanding__c - EarlyPaymentDiscountAbsOutstanding__c


Outstanding Invoiced Amount Gross (incl. EPD)


Invoice and Invoice item relevant dates

Please remove the accounting date and accounting end dates from the invoice and invoice item, since those have the old technical logic, which is confusing for the end user.


Invoice Item Field Label


API name




Invoice date


Invoice Item Start Date




Invoice Item End Date




Start Date


End Date


Billing Period Start Date


Billing Period End Date


Invoice Item Start Date


Invoice Item End Date


Interval End Date


Interval Start Date


Accounting Date


Accounting End Date


Invoice Item Accounting Date


Invoice Item Accounting End Date


Days This Item




Days This InvoiceItem




Invoice Field Label


Accounting Date


Accounting End Date


Billing Period Start Date


Billing Period End Date


Start date


End Date


Fiscal End Date


Fiscal Start Date


Invoice Date

Assigning Accounting Periods


Assigning Accounting Periods

The Delta Pre-Invoice Generation process ensures that all pre-invoices have an assigned accounting period. Suppose accounting periods are not yet created when the pre-invoices are generated. In that case, the accounting period field will remain empty and will be updated during the next pre-invoice generation once the accounting periods are created.


Following validations are in place for Media campaign and Campaign items for when the pre-invoice generation is triggered

Media Champaign Campaign Conditions

 Error Message

MediaCampaign__c.PaymentInterval__c is not set

Missing fields: Payment Interval, Payment Start, ...

MediaCampaign__c.PaymentStart__c is not set

MediaCampaign__c.PaymentDueDate__c is not set

MediaCampaign__c.Campaign_Start_Date__c is not set

MediaCampaign__c.Campaign_End_Date__c is not set

is weekly in combination with Custom Fiscal Period enabled on Admin Settings

A payment interval weekly (1 week) is not supported when fiscal periods are activated.

Champaign Campaign Item Condition

Error Message

is not set

items without bill me set will be ignored


is not set

package components with bill me set will be ignored if the related package header doesn’t have bill me set


Packages are not supported yet in the delta pre-invoice generation.


MediaCampaign__c.PaymentInterval__c is weekly and the Billing category is Budget

The first encountered budget item related to a weekly media campaign will throw an error

Pre-invoice generation is not supported for the Budget billing category with a weekly payment interval.


Using the media campaign button with standard pre-invoice generation:
Weekly invoicing is not supported for Media Buying.



The “Update delivery data” button has been removed from the Invoice object and this action of updating . Updating the delivered quantity is included in the PreInvoice generation and the Pre-invoice update stage is included in the old billing run. We strongly advise removing all the custom flows or actions related to this button.

When the pre-invoices are generated for the media champaign campaign with weekly payment interval when the Admin Setting “Enable calculation of Revenue Schedules Daily“ is disabled it will create Pre-Invoices with a 0 as invoice item InvoicedQuantity__c and QuantityDelivered__c. Kindly report if it gives a null pointer error.

If the campaign item is changed/edited without optimizer the changes will not be reflected automatically in the pre-invoices and the run pre-invoices button has to be triggered to have the change reflected in the pre-invoice. With the optimizer, the pre-invoice gets updated automatically
