Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Select the template you would like to use to create the creative.

  2. After selecting the template all the relevant information to be set will be shown to you. Required fields will be marked with a red asterisk and will prevent you from saving the creative if they are not set.

  3. For the upload of the creative files please note that a few validations might be set up by your Administrator: Possible Dimensions and Maximum File Size.
    (info) Please find more information regarding the setup on this page: Creation of Ad Creative Templates and Variables

    1. If the dimensions of your file do not match the expectations you will see a message saying: “Error: Upload a file with valid dimensions.

    2. If the weight of your file is too high you will see a message saying “Error: Maximum file size is <the limit set> KB. Larger files won’t be uploaded.“

  4. Save & Go Back.


Please note that the following types are supported in the image upload:


Additionally, to directly upload files, there are also cases where you can attach a URL to a publicly available file on external storage. In this case, you will see a specific field to paste the URL into. Once that is done, similar to the direct file upload, ADvendio will show a preview of the attached image.


Additional Notes:
When the file doesn't comply with the given parameters, an error message will be shown as in the picture below, and the file will not be uploaded.


Deleting a Draft Creative

To delete a draft creative from the campaign, you can manage this directly through the ad material management. Follow these steps to delete a creative:

  1. Open the Drop-down Menu: Click on the drop-down button located to the right of the creative listing.

  2. Select 'Delete Creative': From the drop-down menu, choose the 'Delete Creative' option. This action will initiate the deletion of the draft creative.


Note: Deleting a draft creative will also remove it from external storage.


Select existing creatives


Please be aware that the following restrictions may apply:


If you are replacing the file you uploaded before When replacing a previously uploaded file with a new one then , a warning sign will be shown appear to inform you about of this action. The system will ask you for request your confirmation to proceed.  Please note that the old file will remain in the external storage system.


If Creative already has been submitted to external system, there might be some restrictions.

Submit for approval

Please check 4.12.3 How to submit Ad Materials (Creatives) for approval.

Submit to an external system


Creative Assignment Dates: Available for Google Ad Manager & Xandr Integration



Note: The Creative Assignment Dates will be available to Xandr in the upcoming Version 2.170 release.

GAM in Creative Uploads support supports a feature called Assignment Dates which allows advertisers and campaign managers to select specific dates when they upload their ads. This gives them greater control over their advertising campaigns and helps them to manage their ads more efficiently.
