Note |
The behaviour of global value sets matches the behaviour of standard value sets. The behaviour while updating versions is the following:
RecommendationUse the Translation Workbench to rename your values if needed. This will not be influenced by the package upgrade. Additionally you can safely add your own values. |
1 Available Picklists
Label | Description |
Business Type | Please choose the relevant value for this Campaign Item. This field is used for reporting and interfaces to Flat Planning tools (e.g. JournalDesigner). |
Country ISO Code | List of used Country ISO Codes |
Language Code | Represent the LanguageCode for our Feature locale Name for Site, Placement, AdType and AdSpec. |
Maximum Applicability Unit | Types of Units used by Exclusive Products |
Media Differentiation | This picklist allows you to group AdTypes. This classification can be used in reports and controls e.g. functions and assignments information in Media Search, AdMaterial Management and Commitments. |
Media Segment | This picklist allows you to group Placements. This classification can be used in reports and controls e.g. functions and assignment information in Media Search, AdMaterial Management and Commitments. |
Media Type | This picklist allows you to group Advertising Media. This classification can be used in reports and also controls e.g. functions and assignment information in Media Search, AdMaterial and Commitments . |
Name Of Weekday | List of Weekdays |
Payment Processing | Choose a payment method. |
Payment Status | Lists the payment status options for invoices and invoice items. |
Target | Marke a Site ( Advertising Medium, Placement, Adtype, Adprice for a Target group / audience Group. |
Taxable Amount Type | Defines which values are allowed to calculate your VAT. |
Transaction Type | Defines if this a creditor or debtor transaction. Will be used for the export into third party finance systems with the Standard ADvendio Accounting Interface and for Publisher Payout in the objects media campaign and invoice. Do NOT edit this list. |
Unit | Select the relevant unit. In case of Print Uses Cases and using Rebate in Kind Quantity must also filled the fille the Field ADendio__PageEquivalency__c |