Error Message | Reason for the error? | How to fix it? |
[LineItemError.CANNOT_UPDATE_TO_OR_FROM_CREATIVE_SET_ROADBLOCK @ lineItem[0].roadBlockingType, LineItemError.ROADBLOCKS_WITH_NONROADBLOCKS_NOT_ALLOWED @ lineItem[0].creativePlaceholders; trigger:'(1)640x480'] | ADvendio is trying to apply roadblocking settings to an item, for which no roadblocking applies. This is usually the case, when handling regular display items without companion sizes. | Make sure that the field Roadblocking Type on your Ad Type is not set to ‘Creative Set’ Or if you want to use ‘Creative Set’ make sure your item is Master/Companion, by adding the relevant companion sizes into the Companion Sizes field. |
[LineItemError.COMPANIONS_NOT_ALLOWED @ lineItem[0].creativePlaceholders; trigger:'(1)300x250 ((1)100x300), (1)728x90 ((1)100x300)'] | ADvendio is trying to use companion sizes for an item, for which they are not valid. This might be, because of the item type or because your Google Network does not support Master/Companion Items. | Make sure to remove any companion sizes in the Companion Sizes field on the Ad Type. |
[LineItemError.VIDEO_INVALID_ROADBLOCKING @ lineItem[0].roadBlockingType; trigger:'AS_MANY_AS_POSSIBLE', LineItemError.COMPANION_DELIVERY_OPTION_REQUIRE_PREMIUM @ lineItem[0].companionDeliveryOption] | ADvendio is trying to set Companion Delivery Options or Roadblocking Settings, which are not allowed because the Google Network is not a premium network. | Please remove all values set in the fields:
For your AdType and try the submit again. |
There is no specific setup required to use these configurations, once you have the basic Google AdManager configuration up and running.