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In order to take full advantage of the proposal pdf generator functionality, customize the proposal's layout to fit your company's needs. 


If you are using legal entities please take a look here 7.2.6 Configure Legal Entities

Quote Preferences

Image RemovedOpen the App Launcher and search for Quote Preferences. 

Image Added

Create a new Preference Record

Click on the New button and select the format for your PDF:

Image Added

When you create a new proposal, you can choose between different record types: one in portrait format, the other in landscape format.


New record types are coming soon. 


other in landscape format.

Quote Settings

You can either create a new layout or edit an existing layout. In both cases you are able to change numerous aspects of the layout's design:

  1. Show Cover Letter: Check if you need the first cover page or not.
  2. Value discount Scales: Provide pricing information which shows on all proposals: Enter volume discount scales discount scales which are printed on your PDF if you offer those to all of your customers (You can store different version if using Legal Entities).

  3. RecordType Name: Displays your chosen record type and lets you change it here.

  4. Quote Preference Name: Give your Settings a name
  5. Logo file name: Displays the selected image file for you logo. Pls use 6. to select it. 
  6. Logo: Add an image to your proposal (max 100x200 px). Make sure to tick the checkbox 17. "Show Logo". Read here how to customize this: Add your Customer's LOGO to PDFs
  7. Show Gross Campaign Cost: Displays the Gross Amount on your proposal if checked.
  8. Hide additional fees: Hides the "Additional Fees"
  9. Left Header Image Source: Allows you to additionally to your logo display the Logo of your customer, agency network or other. Either on the left or right see 9.
  10. Left Header Image only on First Page: Defines if Left Header Image is displayed on Cover Page
  11. Show Left Header Image on Proposal: Defines if Left Header Image is displayed by Document Type Proposal
  12. Show Left Header Image OrderConfirmation: Defines if Left Header Image is displayed by Document Type Order Confirmation
  13. Show Left Header Image on Cancellation: Defines if Left Header Image is displayed by Document Type Cancellation
  14. Disable Page Break before Text BlocksDisable Page Break before Text Blocks: Disables Page Breaks before your Text Blocks
  15. Show Signature Block below Text Blocks: Displays the signature block below the text blocks if you have customers who sign your document and send them back.

  16. Active: Tick the checkbox to activate the layout. If you are not using Legal Entities only the ONE active settings record gets used for all proposals.
  17. Show Logo: Check this if you like to display the logo. Make sure you have selected an image in 5.+6.
  18. Hide Notes Box - always: Always hides the Notes Box below the table
  19. Hide Notes Box - if empty: Only hides the Notes Box below the table if the description field is empty.
  20. Right Header Image Source: Allows you to additionally to your logo display the Logo of your customer, agency network or other. Either on the left or right see 9. 
  21. Color Hex Code (Background): Changes the color code of your table on the second page. Please enter the color in hexadecimal. Also refer to 26.
  22. Show Signature Block on Proposal: Defines if the signature block is displayed by Document Type Proposal
  23. Show Signature Block OrderConfirmation: Defines if the signature block is displayed by Document Type Order Confirmation
  24. Show Signature Block on Cancellation: Defines if the signature block is displayed by Document Type Cancellation
  25. Hide Box (Technical Specifications): Hides the box with Technical Specifications
  26. Color Hex Code (Table Header): Changes the color code of your table headers on the second page. Please enter the color in hexadecimal. Also refer to 21.


The field on the bottom part are used for the following settings:

  1. Hide Info Table (Cover Letter): Hide the info table on the cover page. For more information read this Customize the Info Table for the PDF Cover Letter
  2. If you don't hide the info table and you have enabled the cover letter use these fields to define what data is shown in the info table on the first page. (Version 2.82 and up: Make sure to not add the "Valid Until" field here as otherwise you duplicate it on the document)
  3. Define who to send the cover letter to.
  4. The four fields define the four columns above your media campaign table on the second page. You don't have to use all four. 
  5. If you are using Packages you can hide the components from your customers, this will be set directly at the Campaign Item (see 3.6 Packages for more information). If you want to show package components but hide certain fields from them, please activate this checkbox.

  6. In this list you can define which fields should be hidden for package components in the PDF. Please see the table below for more information.
  7. Link here to your custom labels to configure the Footer on the cover letter. More information here 7.2.6 Configure Legal Entities
  8. Link here to your custom labels if you are using a Full Size Footer on your proposal. More information here 7.2.6 Configure Legal Entities
  9. Link here to your custom labels if you are splitting your Footer in Middle Data on your proposal. More information here 7.2.6 Configure Legal Entities
  10. Link here to your custom labels if you are splitting your Footer in Left Side Data on your proposal.More information here 7.2.6 Configure Legal Entities
  11. Link here to your custom labels if you are splitting your Footer in Right Side Data on your proposal. More information here 7.2.6 Configure Legal Entities


To hide certain fields for package components they have to be entered as line-separated list. The fields need to be written like in the table below, to be recognized by the system. If you don't enter any fields in the list, the following default fields will always be hidden for package components:

  • Sales Price
  • Amount
  • Quantity Discount
  • Customer Discount
  • Agency Discount
  • Special Discount
  • Amount net
  • Agency Commission (%)
  • Amount net/net
  • eCPM
  • additional fees

Here is a list of all possible fields and what text string needs to be entered for them to be hidden:

FieldAPI_NameWhat you need to enter
Sales PriceADvendio__Sales_Price__csalesprice
Quantity DiscountADvendio__Rate_Discount_1__cratediscount1
Customer DiscountADvendio__Rate_Discount_2__cratediscount2
Agency DiscountADvendio__Rate_Discount_3__cratediscount3
Special DiscountADvendio__Rate_Discount_4__cratediscount4
Amount netADvendio__Amount_net__camountnet
Agency Commission (%ADvendio__Agency_Commission__cagencycommission
Amount net/netADvendio__Amount_net_net__camountnetnet
Additional Fees / SurchargesSummary of multiple fieldsaddfees
Position NumberADvendio__PositionNumber__cposition
Ad Spec → SiteADvendio__Ad_Spec__r.ADvendio__Site__csite
Ad Spec PlacementADvendio__Ad_Spec__r.ADvendio__Placement__cplacement
Ad Spec Ad TypeADvendio__Ad_Spec__r.ADvendio__Ad_Type__cadtype
Campaign Item NameNamename
Ad Spec Description on PDFADvendio__DescriptionOnPDF__cadprice.adspec.descriptiononpdf
Frequency CappingSummary of multiple fieldsfc
Technical Targeting InformationSummary of multiple fieldstechnicaltargeting
AdHourOfDay & AdDayOfWeekADvendio__AdHourOfDay__c & ADvendio__AdDayOfWeek__ctimetargeting
Geo Targeting InformationSummary of multiple fieldsgeotargeting
Ad Key ValuesADvendio__AdKeyValues__cadkeyvalues
Selected Content InformationADvendio__SelectedContentInformation__cselectedcontentinformation
Selected Publication Date InformationADvendio__SelectedPublicationDateInformation__cpublicationdatetargeting
Third Party CommissionADvendio__Third_party_commission__cthirdpartycommission
Amount Net3ADvendio__Amount_net3__camountnet3
From DateADvendio__from_Date__cfromdate
Until DateADvendio__until_Date__cuntildate
Billing CategoryADvendio__Billing_category__cbillingcategory
Guaranteed AIADvendio__Guaranteed_AI__cguaranteedai
Line DescriptionADvendio__LineDescription__clinedescription


Notice that the text string might not be equal to either label or API name of the field.



Quote Template Labels

Click on your name displayed in the top right-hand corner. Select the Setup menu (1).
There go to Custom Labels under Create (2).


Choose a language from the pick-list. Only those languages activated in the translation workbench without an existing translation for this label are available. Enter the text in the field Translation Text (1). Then click Save (2).
Repeat the last three steps with the all needed labels if necessary.
Please note: Some of the labels are html enabled. If you want to insert a break in the label's translation text, please enter <br>. To clear these html enabled text fields, enter " ".

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