Constant Quantity | Maximum Applicability Unit | Function | Example(s) |
None | none | (Default "Quantity" is chosen) | refer to "Quantity" |
Quantity | Day | Compares the sum of all offered/booked quantities of the campaign items to the maximum applicability (Availability). The Quantity of an Item will be divided evenly among the number of days the Campaign Item is booked. | Example 1: Your CPM campaign item can be sold 100.000 per Day. Your Campaign Item is booked for four days with a Quantity of 40.000. The Booking Calendar now divides the Quantity among the four days (10.000 per day). This means you still have 90.000 Impressions available per day. Example 2: You have a Product sold on a Cost per Day basis (CPD). You have 5 Ads available per day. You now book a Campaign Item for five Days, with a Quantity of 5 (1 for each day, as the cost are per day booked). The Booking Calendar now has 1 Booked for each of the five days. You still have 4 Ads available each day. |
Quantity | Week | Compares the sum of all offered/booked quantities of the campaign items to the maximum applicability (Availability). The quantity of an Item will be divided evenly among the number of weeks the campaign item is booked. Attention: This works only if the Items are booked for whole weeks (e.G. Monday until Sunday) | You have a product sold on a Cost per Week basis (CPW). You have 1 Ad available per Week. You book a Campaign Item from Monday until Sunday of the following Week (Starting Day of the Week is set to Monday in the Booking Calendar/User Locale). The Quantity is set to 2 because the cost are per week booked. The Booking Calendar now has 1 Booked for each week of the two weeks. The item is sold out for both weeks with no inventory left available. |
Quantity | Month | Compares the sum of all offered/booked quantities of the campaign items to the maximum applicability (Availability). The quantity of an Item will be divided evenly among the number of months the campaign item is booked. Attention: Currently this is only supported for Items booked from the 1st day of the month until the last day of a month. | You have a product sold on a Cost per Month basis (CPMo). You have 5 Ads available per Month. You book a Campaign Item from the 1st of January until the 28th of February. The Quantity is set to 4 because the cost are per month. You now have 2 booked for January and February and still 3 Ads available for both months. |
Guaranteed AI | Day | Compares the sum of all offered/booked guaranteed Ad Impressions of the campaign items to the maximum applicability (Available AdImpressions). | Your online ad slot has a daily potential of 100.000 AdImpressions (=maximum applicability). You already have sold (booked) a campaign with 60.000 Guaranteed AdImpressions, which leaves 40.000 AdImpressions available for another customer. |
Frequency | Day | Compares the sum of all offered/booked frequencies of the campaign items to the maximum applicability (Max. Frequency). | My radio ad slot has a maximum frequency of 20 ads. The advertiser likes to send their ad twice (frequency = 2, quantity = 1). That leaves 18 open slots. |
Runtime Campaign Item | N/A | This setting ignores the maximum applicability unit set and always compare the booked/offered quantity of a campaign item to the maximum applicability (Availability). | Your product is sold for example always for a period of three days with a fixed price for each unit sold for three days. You have 10 units available per day. Your campaign item is booked from Monday until Wednesday with a quantity of 2 (as you sold 2 units for three days). The Booking Calendar will now have 2 booked for each day from Monday until Wednesday. Leaving you with 8 units available for each of those days. |
Quantity | Quarterly | Compares the sum of all offered/booked quantities of the campaign items to the maximum applicability (Availability). The quantity of an item will be divided evenly among the number of Quarters the campaign item is booked for. Attention: This works only if the items are booked for whole quarter (i.e. 1st. of Jan until 31st. March) | You can sells sponsorship packages per quarter, so that you can use the quarterly view to see on the booking calendar whats been booked per quarter. |
Quantity | Yearly | Compares the sum of all offered/booked quantities of the campaign items to the maximum applicability (Availability). The quantity of an item will be divided evenly among the number of years the campaign item is booked for. Attention: This works only if the items are booked for whole year (i.e. 1st. of Jan until 31st. Dec) | For OOH you could be selling your inventory through yearly commitments, so this enables you to see a view for the next few years. |
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