Installing the ADvendio package will create a standard mapping for you which you can customize to your needs. Also please map the fields you have newly created to export data correctly to XML.
Navigate to Setup > Develop > Custom Settings > ImportExportMapping > Manage
Please navigate to the mapping and edit the following four fields:
- Click Edit at the field CTPricemodel Standardpricemodel:
- Offer Field Notation: ADvendio__Advertising_Media__r.OVKBillingCategory__c.
- Pricelist Field Notation: ADvendio__Ad_Prices__r.OVKBillingCategory__c.
- Click Edit at the field CTOfferposition Unit:
- Offer Field Notation: ADvendio__Advertising_Media__r.Unit__c
- Click Edit at the field CTOffer Type:
- Offer Field Notation: OVKOfferType__c
- Click Edit at the field Ovkparticipantsenderid:
- Offer Field Notationt: SenderID12345*.
- Pricelist Field Notation: SenderID12345*.
- Advertisements Field Notation: SenderID12345*.
- Placements Field Notationt: SenderID12345*.
*Note: Please use your own OVK sender ID.
Custom Field Mapping
You can also map your own fields by matching the fields in the custom setting with your ADvendio fields.