If you are using the Salesforce Sales Cloud and Opportunities you might want to report on your ADvendio data as well as you opportunities. This feature allows you to sync the following fields:

All your users need full Salesforce user licenses and ADvendio licenses to use opportunities. 

Only for ADvendio Version 2.87.3 and up

Change Log:

1.1: Improved Description and Help for all fields.
1.2: Bug-fixing in Process Flow + German Translation

Follow the next steps to allow your business to use this feature:

1. Install Extension ADvendio Sync MC to Opp

Install the ADvendio Extension Version 1.2: https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t0Y000001ss3R to your org. 

2. Active Process

Navigate to the Process Builder and verify that the "Sync Media Campaign To Opportunity" process is activated.

3. Verify Field-Level Security and Accessibility

The Extension delivered two fields to your media campaign object:

Make sure both are in the respective layouts and can be see by the profiles which need to edit and view.