Alternatively to the standard 7.2.17 Configure the Net Calculator you can add this function to your media configuration you need to either modify your pricing tab or create a new tab with the following information:


  • ADvendio__Quantity__c
  • ADvendio__Amount_net_net__c
  • ADvendio__Rate_Discount_4__c (Optionally other discounts if used!)
  • ADvendio__eCPM__c
  • ADvendio__eCPC__c
  • ADvendio__TargetNet__c (NetCalculator Field)
  • ADvendio__BudgetN2__c (NetCalculator Field)

 Sum up any you like: i.e. ADvendio__BudgetN2__c

2.1 Configure the Media Campaign Budget

The budget can be entered by the user on the media campaign. It will then compare the spend amount within the media campaign with the set budget to allow better selling:

In order to tell ADvendio which amount net or gross value to choose you to have to modify the ADvendio Custom setting: 

Click on Manage and then Edit and set the Campaign Item field API for the Budget Amount Field API Name:

The default value is N2. Also, make sure that you have the selected amount field in your tab setup, otherwise the calculation will not be shown.