1. Approval Process

1.1 Approval Step 1 [Manager Approval]

Requirement: The record will be sent to the manager for approval only if the status is : 

The Standard Salesforce alert message will be displayed if the Script Status is not as mentioned here.

1.1.1 Possible Status after Step 1

1.2 Approval Step 2 [Client Approval]

Once the Script is approved by Manager (status: Script Pending Client approval) then the script is ready to be sent for client approval.

1.2.1 Possible Status after Step 2

Once the record is completed with an approval by both the manager and the client the next step is for the user to work on the briefing by adding the Url or related file to Notes and attachment or both and then sent it for approval.

1.3 Approval Step 3 [Briefing Manager Approval]

Requirement: Briefing will be sent to Manager for approval only if the Script Status is : "Script Approved" or "Advertise Rejected by Manager" or "Advertise Rejected by Client" .

1.3.1 Possible Status after Step 3

1.4 Approval Step 4 [Briefing Client Approval]

Once the Briefing is approved by manager then the Briefing is ready to be sent for client approval.

The following message is shown if the email is sent successfully to the client :

Requirement: The Briefing will be sent to the client for approval only if the Script Status is : "Advertise Pending Client approval"  .

1.4.1 Possible Status after Step 4

1.5 Possible Errors

Below message alert will be displayed if the Script Status is other than Script Pending Client approval and Advertise Pending Client approval and still user is trying to click "Send Email To Contact" button on Advendio_BriefingScript__c record.