Delivery data is entered automatically if you use an ad server integration or linear distribution. You always have the possibility to edit the quantity information at your pre-invoices manually. You can also 7.6.7 Schedule "Update Delivery Data" for PreInvoices.

Edit Pre-Invoices

Click Edit at the pre-invoice you want to change. Be careful with automatically filled in fields.

Edit Invoice Items

Navigate to your invoice items and click Edit at the item you want to edit.

Edit Quantity Information

Scroll down to Quantity Information and manually update the Delivered Quantity.

Quantity Information

Please note:

If the checkbox Linear Distribution is checked, the values are calculated by the booked quantity and the duration (start and end date). If you uncheck this box the delivered quantity will be used. This checkbox defines if the amount is distributed linear or not. For instance, this is used for fix price amounts.