
You are using ADvendio as usual, but once you start a certain feature, instead of the regular process you see the following screen, which asks you to do a license check.


ADvendio offers a number of different licenses, that allow you to use different kinds of features. Now what do those two screens mean?

License Check

The license check is a features that automatically syncs your Salesforce Org with the ADvendio license database. In order to check if you have the right license for the features you are using.

Normally you should not see the above dialog, because that synch will be happening in the background, but if for some reason the check hasn’t been done for seven days, we need to consider that the license information might be out of synch. Thats why ADvendio requires to check again for the license information.

To use the feature you wanted to use, simply click the yes button and then continue as usual.

Why are we doing this?

As this license check will modify some of your Salesforce Data (mainly where the license information for your Org are stored), we are asking for a separate confirmation. In order to meet the security standards of Salesforce, we would like to make sure that the user is aware of running processes and has confirmed them. That why we introduced a new modal for you to know what will happen in the background.

What if I clicked yes and it still doesn’t work?

If you clicked yes and then see a different screen asking for Feature Activation, this means you are trying to use a feature, for which you don’t have the needed license.

Should it be that you see this screen, despite having the correct license for the feature you’re using, please contact with your Org ID and the feature you’re trying to use, so our support team can take a closer look.


There is no specific setup required