Available with Version:

2.159 and up


System Administrator

ADvendio Edition

Programmatic Add-On


You are planning to use ADvendios Programmatic features to streamline your incoming programmatic revenue from many different platforms and utilize Media Campaigns for a 360 overview about your ad business in ADvendio, but our support Integrations do not include all your SSPs and Systems in place.

Is there a way ADvendio can support handling the Programmatic Revenue from any external system, for example by a generic file upload, so that you can use the data in the same format as when receiving it from our direct integrations?

How would such an import work, how far can you automize the process and what are the current limitations?


This article will guide you through Programmatic CSV import and Connection Record creation steps.

NOTE: Please ensure

The option ‘Programmatic CSV import' is activated on the ‘Administration Settings' page (instructions below):


It does not require any actual or working user credentials

Current Limitations

Please note with the first version of this feature, there are some limitations that still apply:

  • Programmatic Partners are not yet supported for generated Media Campaigns:

With version 2.159, Programmatic Partners are not fully supported yet. This means Programmatic Partners will be imported to ADvendio and can also be mapped to Accounts, but during Media Campaign Generation, they will be ignored at the moment. We’re working on enabling this as soon as possible

  • Uploaded CSV file limitations:

    • With version 2.159, Programmatic Partners are not fully supported yet. This means Programmatic Partners will be imported to ADvendio and can also be mapped to Accounts, but during Media Campaign Generation, they will be ignored at the moment. We are working on enabling this as soon as possible.

    • An uploaded CSV file for the programmatic features is only allowed to have 4.000 rows. If files are larger than 4.000 rows, our process can’t handle them. So make sure if you are handling more data, please split your file accordingly.


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