

Supported Ad Servers

Google Ad Manager, Xandr, Adswizz, Freewheel


Can we help our customers who can't start the Enhanced Delivery report data for a specific Campaign Item, especially when they want to improve an old Campaign but with new settings?


We have added a new feature called "Get Enhanced Delivery Data" that allows you to generate Enhanced Delivery Reports for specific campaign items. This feature is useful when regular delivery reports are not available, such as when campaign items have already ended. You can use this feature to test the enhanced reports for a specific item or to re-import enhanced delivery data for optimized campaigns that have been cloned with new settings.

To address this issue we have introduced providing on Demand Enhanced Delivery reporting for Campaign Items. This feature lets our customers do the following:

How to find On-Demand Enhanced Delivery Data for Campaign Items

You can find the On-Demand Enhanced Delivery Data feature in two ways:

  1. On the Campaign Item related list: When viewing a campaign item under Related List, check the drop-down menu and click the button "Get Enhanced Delivery Data" on the page.

  2. In the Campaign Item list view: Go to the App launcher and access Campaign Items. You can access the "Get Enhanced Delivery Data" option by selecting it on the right side of the list view.

You can now customize your list view to include the "Get Enhanced Delivery Data" button. This way, you will be able quickly to access the enhanced delivery data for multiple campaign items at once.

Please take note of the following warning messages may appear during the request of Enhanced Delivery Data on demand:

  1. Removal of Items without Connection or Empty Ad ID Items: If there is no connection provided or if the Ad ID items are empty, they will be removed from the selection. (blue star) Ensure that all selected items have valid connections or Ad IDs.

  2. Limit on Number of Items: the number of selected items may be restricted due system constraints. Please be aware that a reduced set of items may be included in the selection.

How the Enhanced Delivery report data for a specific Campaign Item works

Customers can now start a process for Campaign Items that have already ended and can select a breakdown for the Enhanced delivery data import by following criteria:

Set up

To set up On-Demand Enhanced Delivery Data for Campaign Items you need to add the new button to your related lists. You can add it in Setup -> Object Manager -> Media Campaign → Page Layouts: