Google Ad Manager (GAM)

Two types in GAM are supported by ADvendio

  1. Competitive exclusion (i.e., industry or rival competitors) and

  2. Ad exclusion (Tiling). 

Here we explain how to block competing advertisers from serving in parallel. Competitive advertiser exclusions give you additional control over ad serving for Ad Exchange ads, competing advertisers mapped between Ad Exchange and GAM, and unknown advertisers. You can prevent certain advertisers from serving together on specific ad units or across your entire network. The second feature is labelling. You can label your campaign, account, ad spec, site or placement with certain labels which then get transmitted to the AdServer. In GAM you can traffic those to your liking. Either avoid certain combinations or include especially these labels. 

You find the Labels in GAM under Protections:

If you click on the new Label you can create a Label of Type

(Others currently not supported by ADvendio)


When and Why to Use Labels/Exclusions

Googles Examples: 

1. How to set it up in the Media Configuration

Version 2.107 and up

We offer you a new widget which you can enter from the Media Configuration.

If you do not see the field Exclusivity yet please ask your Administrator to set it up for you (add field: Targetings > Exclusivity to the Tab Setup Tab Setup):

After hitting the Edit button the widget opens. The left tab shows your selected labels and the labels tab allows you to either scroll through the whole list or use the Quick Search to reduce your search results.

By hitting the Save button below you can save your selected results. 


Please keep in mind when you use Check Availability: 

Google Ad Manager will only consider exclusion labels and the rules if there is also an Advertiser set for your Order. It is however also possible to Check Availability for a Media Campaign without an Advertiser from ADvendio. Please pay attention, if you are using Exclusions.

2. How to set it up manually

Version 2.106 and lower

Exclusions = Labels

After you have transferred the Targeting IDs from your AdServer, there will be an AdServer ID for each label in your system.

To push these Labels to your AdServer for Line Items you need to use the object Labels/Exclusions. There you can choose a label from the Adserver and connect it to either:

To access Exclusions, go to the app menu and type "Exclusions." From there, you can fill in all the necessary information as shown below:

The labels from the Exclusion will be transferred either to Line Item or the Order at GAM, according to the following logic:

For Check Availability (forecasts) the labels will be considered to ensure the avoidance of overbooking.

Attention: Exclusions from different objects will not be added up.

  • If there are exclusions set at the AdSpec, only these will be transferred and exclusions at the AdType will be ignored.

  • If set at Campaign Item, exclusions from AdSpec & AdType will be ignored for that Line Item.


Please keep in mind when you use Check Availability: 

Google Ad Manager will only consider exclusion labels and the rules, if there is also an Advertiser set for your Order. It is however also possible to Check Availability for a Media Campaign without an Advertiser from ADvendio. Please pay attention, if you are using Exclusions.

“Allow same Advertiser exception” option

version 2.110 and up

To allow Line items from one advertiser to serve ads on multiple positions on a site you can check the checkbox "Allow Same Advertiser Exception" on Campaign Item. If you can not see the checkbox, ask your administrator to add it to the Campaign Item Layout. The information will be transmitted to GAM when pushing the Campaign. 

Relevant Google Documentation: 

Other ADServers


In Equativ you can use Labels/Exclusions only for

Attention: Advertisers can only have one exclusion so this can not be set by the ADvendio interface.

  • Excluded sites and

  • pages on Advertiser level are not supported by the Equativ API-Function, therefore not supported by ADvendio.

The labels from the Labels/Exclusion will be transferred either to Line Item in Equativ according to the following logic:

Exclusions from different objects are not additive (the higher object overrules!):  If there are exclusions set at the AdSpec only these will be transferred and exclusions at the AdType will be ignored. If set at Campaign Item, Exclusions from AdSpec and AdType will be ignored for that Line Item.

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