Boilerplates are called text blocks on ADvendio where you can store a paragraph of rich text including images that can be reused in PDFs for Media Campaigns or Commitments.

Create or Edit Text Blocks

Navigate to the App Launcher → Text Blocks and click on New. Here are two examples for Terms of Service or Terms and Conditions text blocks.



Correct Picklist Values

In order to make the language feature work you need to allign three language picklist fields:

  1. Text Blocks.ADvendio__Language__c
  2. Media Campaign.ADvendio__Quote_Language__c
  3. Commitment.ADvendio__DocumentLanguage__c (careful this one is using Picklist Values Sets (Global Picklists))

The API names of the values in all three lists need to use the two character code for the language, i.e. en for English:

Global Picklist: Language Code

Picklist: TextBlock.Language

Add Text Blocks to a Media Campaign

Add the related list "Assigned text blocks" to the Media Campagne page layout.

If you use the button "New text block MC Assignments" you can assign text blocks to your Media Campaigns. All text blocks will be displayed at the end of the last page. You can add as many text blocks as you want.