In order to use the ADvendio Connect module, you need to create a Connections login first. Once the login exists, you can establish a connection and transfer inventory from your Connection to your system.

1. Create a new Connection Login

Use the App Launcher or click on the Overview tab and search for the Connections section

Click the New Connections button.

2. Pick a Record Type to match your Connection Record Type

Choose the appropriate record type to match your server type. Select the appropriate value and click Next.

3. Enter Connections Login Information

Now enter your login information:

You might also enter your choice of Advertiser External Id you like to push to GAM:


4. Test Login to Connection

Now you can verify that your login connection is working by clicking on the Check Login button in the record

  1. If your connection works, you can proceed to transfer your Connections data to your system using the other custom links. 7.3.2 Transfer Data from the AdServer

  2. Proceed with 3.2.3 Predefined AdServer Targeting for Products: Connect Ad Specs via Ad Server IDs.