Use Case:

Use the basic commitment feature on ADvendio and sign a contract with an intermediary to give them a 10% Third-Party Commission if they bring in a certain revenue X. Throughout the year you notice that the revenue has NOT been reached. Retroactively you will reduce the TPC for this intermediary to only 8%.

To install the Third-Party Commission revision extension:

Your administrator needs to install an extension in order to use this feature:  

Package Name: ADvendio Third Party / Intermediary Commissioning Revision
Version Name Third Party / Intermediary Commissioning Revision 1.13:


  1. Have your administrator set up the feature 8.7 Install Third Party / Intermediary Commission Revision

  2. Open a Commitment that you like to adjust.

Clicking on the button will open a new page that will allow you to change the percentage. 

It copies the Basic Commitment name and the condition name which you also should modify for better tracking:Then click Save. 

Friendly Reminder: When you save a number on the User Interface (UI), the system uses the value displayed, regardless of how many decimal places you entered. For example, if the UI shows only two decimal places, those two decimal places will be considered for any calculations.

Here is what the automated process does for you:


This extension will add two reports for you to manage and control the process:

  1. Adv. Publisher Payout Credit Note Report: This shows an overview of Publisher Payout which tells you which invoices have to lead to a credit note and if the revision had retroactive changes

  2. TPC Revision: Correction Payout Report: Which invoices have been affected by the revision and created an additional credit note/invoice for the intermediary.