In order to display online advertising most efficiently you can target your most profitable customer groups. Using key value targeting you have the option to enter criteria such as gender or age. These settings will be submitted to your ad server. This is where you also do audience targeting.

Edit Key Values

Open your line item in the media configurator and navigate to the Tab: Key Values. To add new key values or edit existing ones, click the Edit button.

This will open an overlay window that if no key values have been previously selected look like this: 

Here you have the option to select either

Enter Key Values

To define key value targeting, you have to specify three fields.

  1. Select the key for your targeting criterion. Use the look-up option to make sure the value is in accordance with your ad server. For DFP you can select the key "AudienceSegment" and pick you segments as a value.
  2. Pick the operator.
  3. Select the preferred values from the drop-down menu displayed when you click the field. You can add multiple here. Then save or add more targeting criteria by either
    1. Click the Add Key Value (AND) button to set an additional criterion for this key line.
    2. Click the red cross button to delete a criterion.
    3. To target a different group, use the Add Key Value (OR) button,
    4. Click the Add Preset (OR) button to add a preset of key values.
  4. To confirm your targeting, click the Save button.

Enter Presets

Presets are configured by your administrator KeyValue Preset Wizard (Version 2.105 and up).