[Set up connection] of Equativ in ADvendio

[Set up connection] of Equativ in ADvendio


Can you successfully integrate ADvendio with Equativ AdServer to ensure seamless transfer of Campaigns and Campaign Items, and automate the delivery data for accurate invoicing?


In order to perform that, set up your Equativ(Smart) Connection in ADvendio and follow the steps below:

Equativ Login Record creation


The reporting feature of Equativ only support 30 days as reporting time frame in the default configuration. You will need premium reporting enabled in order for the ADvendio Delivery Report features to work properly.

Otherwise it might be that they are ending in an error message: “Error while creating the report, HTTP/1.1 403” when using the delivery reports in ADvendio.

Please contact your Equativ Account manager for more information.


Go to Overview - Connections, and create a new Equativ record. Please make sure that you:

  1. Request a REST API login. Make sure this REST login will have administration rights to create campaigns and insert flights in Equativ (your normal GUI Equativ login will not work here).

  2. Enter these login credentials as username + password, as well as the additional username and additional password.

  3. Enter your network ID, which you fill into the corresponding field in the login record. If you don't know your network ID, ask your Equativ consultant.

  4. Please enter the required Advertiser-Group-ID in the field "ADvendio__AdvertiserGroupID__c" in Object "ADvendio__AdServer_Login__c". 

Advertiser and Agency REST API

If you are using the REST API (Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface), we will create the Advertiser as a "Direct booking Customer".

If you like to enter the IDs manually, create a new record and enter data as follows:

  1. For Advertiser: 

    • Field  "External Account ID Name " = ID, 

    • "Advertiser" linked to the Account, 

    • the "Agency" reference is empty, 

    • "Connection" is set to the correct Equativ login.

  2. For Agency: 

    • Field  "External Account ID Name " = ID, 

    • Advertiser" and "Agency" both refer to the same Agency Account,  

    • "Connection" is set to the correct Equativ login.

For all older versions, please upgrade


To book media campaigns, please pay attention to the following cases:

  • Advertisers without Agency: 

    • Leave the field "Agency" in your Media Campaign empty or enter the Advertiser twice (for in-house agencies)'

  • Advertiser with Agency:

    • Enter "Account" and "Agency" in your Media Campaign appropriately.

Please enter the required Advertiser-Group-ID in the field "ADvendio__AdvertiserGroupID__c" in Object "ADvendio__AdServer_Login__c".

You find this in your Equativ UI if you open any Advertiser (from advertisers list), and look at the group ID (e.g., XGroupeID GET parameter) which is part of the URL.

How to handle Special Characters in Account Names


The Equativ UI and APIs don’t support many special characters.

The authorized characters are: - . _ + â [] ' & (any letter) (any number).

When the user submits an Advertiser Name which contains forbidden characters, the Equativ API will show an error message.

To be able to cope with this issue, we have introduced a new field Advertiser Name.

The users need to change the Advertiser name by removing any unsupported characters (by providing an alternate version of the name) and they can use the Advertiser Name field to store the original Advertiser name that contains the forbidden characters for internal use.

Equativ Inventory Setup Ad Type

Make sure to fill out the Format ID(s) separated by a semicolon:

  1. Format ID(s) (Object AdType) and 


  2. AdServer IDs (Object AdSpec). You can also select your multiple format IDs here by selecting an AdServer IDs of Type Format in the AdServer ID AdSpec Assignments related list or use the Inventory Targeting in the Media Configuration to choose the formats to target. If you are using multiple formats, ADvendio will automatically create one Insertion in Equativ for each format and use a grouped inventory goal for them. More details can be found here: How to target Equativ Items' multiple formats in ADvendio

Set Salesperson and Trafficker in Equativ


With Version 2.115, we now support setting the Salesperson and Trafficker in Equativ. If you want to know more, about how to configure and use this feature, please see the following chapter of our wiki:

3.5.10 Manage Teams, Ad Manager and Trafficker

Targeting Support

  1. Browser and device Targeting: With Version 2.135 you can import the technical targeting IDs for browsers and devices and use them in the technical targeting within our media configuration.

  2. Geo-Targeting: With Version 2.135 and up: You can import Geo Targeting IDs via our import feature and then use the geo-targeting within our media configuration

  3. Keyword Targeting: It is possible to set up Keyword strings to target the Campaign Item and Ad Spec object. Please note: This feature is currently not supported by the ADvendio Key Value UI in the Media Configuration and keyword groups are also not supported.


Logical conjunction AND is done using a semicolon whereas OR can be done using a comma.

  • Transferred String: test=1;test2,test3=1
    Means: test=1 AND (test2 OR test3=1)

Additionally, negative Targeting (NOT-Targeting) is supported:

  • Transferred String: test1;NOT test2=1
    Means: test1 AND NOT test2=1


Please refer to the table here 7.3.12 Technical AdServer Mappings

To see more information on how to set up products for your Equativ system in ADvendio and use them in our features, see: How to configure formats for your Equativ (SMART) AdServer related products (Ad Type)

Financial data

All discounts for a Media Campaign (Order) or Insertion (Ad) are set to ZERO. For Insertion ADVendio transfers the NET and Equativ calculates the GROSS automatically. The NET can be managed by modifying the "AdServer Price Field" in Object "Connection" Submit Prices to the AdServer.

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