7.2.9 Setup Commitments

7.2.9 Setup Commitments

What are Commitments


Commitments in ADvendio are financial agreements between publishers, customers, and your customers' agencies which you can track in ADvendio. They can be agreed to at the beginning of the year or even earlier at the end of the preceding year. A commitment manages the planned advertising spending in order to achieve a certain discount or rebate in kind.

You can set up scaled discounts related to the amount the publisher or agency spends in that year. Throughout the year ADvendio calculates the actual revenue figures for you. So this can be matched with the earlier commitment value to verify that numbers are reached and the "real" discounts need to be applied. 

Commitment Record Types

Version 2.99 and up

We have added record types to add new features in the future. Currently only Advertiser / Agency Discount and Master are working. So make sure to disable the others for all users.

  1. Advertiser / Agency Discount is used for 'standard' Commitments.

  2. Agency Earnings Commitments are Commitments ONLY for AE. You need to select an Agency and all conditions are only applied to agency earnings.

  3. The same holds true for Third Party Commission Commitments matching the Intermediary on the media campaign.

If you don't want to use the record types you can deactivate them. Old commitments without record types will work just like Advertiser /Agency discounts. We recommend that you better sooner than later migrate to use record types though. 

Configure Custom Settings 

This can currently only be done by ADvendio. Please ask your TAM to perform the expected changes.

  1. Log in to a subscriber org with appropriate access permissions.

  2. Navigate to Setup by clicking on the gear icon in the top-right corner.

  3. Under the "Custom Code" section on the left, locate and click on "Custom Settings."

  4. From the list of custom settings, find and click on the label "Setting" with Protected visibility.

  5. Click on the "Manage" button to access the settings.

  6. Select the "Edit" option to modify the settings.

  7. In the editing interface, you will find two fields:

    1. CommitmentsAmountField__c: This field configures the desired Amount field for calculation (options: B1, B2, B3, N1, N2, N3) with the default value set as N3.

    2. CommitmentProbabilityThreshold__c: This field configures the Status/Probability used for Commitment achievement (options: 75%, 90%, 100%). It filters media campaigns where the Stage__c field is greater than or equal to this value, reducing runtime. The default value is 0%.

  8. Ensure to enter the API name (e.g., B1, B2, B3) for the desired CommitmentsAmountField__c.

  9. Note that the probability threshold fields should only contain numbers without the "%" sign.

  10. Press Save for your changes



Configure Feature Settings

Navigate to the App Manager and search for Feature Settings. Then find the CommitmentConditionCriterionPriority record:

Make sure not to modify the syntax but just the weight (integer) for each type.



Depending on how you like your staff to use this feature make them navigate to the Overview Tab and open the Commitment object. Alternatively, you can enable the related lists in the layouts for

  • Advertiser, 

  • Agencies and/or

  • Advertiser-Agency-Relation.

Schedule an APEX job to calculate your Commitments

To use Commitments you need to plan an APEX job, which counts all Campaign Items relevant to that Commitment and writes this information in the relevant Commitment Conditions. The APEX job also counts the number of Campaign Items spent (for Example Rebate in Kind Items) and writes that information into the Commitment Conditions. To activate the job use the following steps:

  1. From Setup, enter Apex Classes in the Quick Find box, select Apex Classes and then click Schedule Apex.

  2. Reference the Class "CommitmentsCountingBatch" in your Apex Class and set your schedule to what you need.

Version 2.109 and up: You can set up a list of email recipients for the result emails. Find out here how to: 7.2.19 Setup Email Recipients


Configure the APEX Batch Size

In order to improve the performance for business-critical jobs, your admin can also limit the batch size for those jobs by configuring a Feature Setting. This will also help to avoid CPU Time Limit error messages. 

Launch the APEX job from a Process Flow (optionally)

Remember that process builder might create performance issues. Therefore Salesforce recommends to use only one flow per object. 

You can also start the APEX job from a process flow, for example, each time a certain record is created.

  1. Start the Process Builder and create a new process

  2. Select a start object and entry criteria of your choice

  3. To start the APEX job choose "Apex" as the action type and enter "ADvendio__CommitmentsCountingBatch" as Apex Class

Commitment Counting

Attention: As the Apex Job goes through a lot of data (depending on the number of Media Campaigns with a Commitment connected), it might take some time. You need to wait for the job to be done, before earned or spent Campaign Items will be counted towards the relevant Commitment Conditions. This also concerns the number of Rebate in Kind items available and already spent. Please keep that in mind when planing your Media Campaigns.

Name Commitments using a Process Flow (optionally)

We have created a Process flow for you that waits for an hour after creating a Commitment and Commitment Condition to update the name from Commitment and Commitment Condition based on custom criteria. Ask your ADvendio consultant at Support@advendio.com to help you deploy this.

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