3.6.4 Ad Hoc Packages

3.6.4 Ad Hoc Packages


Ad Hoc Packages are bundles of ad specifications that sales users create on the spot. These packages can be described as "immediate" or "impromptu". They are not associated with a particular ad price and can be included in a PDF to provide customers with a general idea or the illusion of purchasing a personalized package. If the "Package" field is added to the layout and your administrator has enabled this function in the 7.2.2 Setup Media Configuration, you will see the Package dropdown box in your media configuration.

If you choose to put two or more line items in an Adhoc Package choose the same package name

  1. from the picklist or

  2. type in your own package label (version 2.94 and up).

In this example above the user choose the predefined label "Package 1", in the example below the user typed the label "Special Package" into the dropdown box.

If you need other standard picklist values please inform your administrator. This will lead to the following PDF:

Ad Hoc Package Header Information

We changed the header information at landscape PDFs in versions 2.107 and up. This means that the Billing Category and the Quantity are summed up if the Billing Category is the same amongst all components.

We changed the header information at landscape PDFs in versions 2.116 and up.You can now opt to show the Start and End Date of Ad Hoc Packages in the header information by marking the checkbox Show Dates on Package Header as true in either your Quote or Invoice Preferences.

Hide Components on PDF


There is now an option to conceal some elements of your ad hoc package when generating PDFs. You can achieve this in two ways: either at the Media Campaign level or at the Quote Preference / Invoice Preference level. Below are instructions on how to make use of this feature.

Please note:

if the checkbox is checked on the Quote or Invoice preference level but not on the Media Campaign level, it will still be considered as checked. It would be more practical to choose one method instead of using both simultaneously.

Hide components on Media Campaign level

In order to hide the component you can simply check the box in your media campaign:

This will now only show the package header and sum up all discounts and amounts. 

Hide components on Quote/Invoice preference level

In order to hide the components for all your offers/invoices of a specific preference you can simply check the box "Hide ad hoc Package Components" in your Quote Preferences or Invoice Preferences.

Hide Components details on PDF

In order to hide the component details for all your offers/invoices of a specific preference you can simply check the box "Hide ad hoc Package Component details" in your Quote Preferences or Invoice Preferences and specify certain fields for ad hoc package components. For more details please got to Manage Quote Preferences.

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