7.2.16 ADvendio Report Types

The ADvendio Package delivers the following report types into your Salesforce Org (Version 2.87). Also take a look at the 5.1.6 ADvendio Standard Reports and Folders.

Accounts and VisitreportsAllows reporting on visit reports and allocated accountsAccounts & Contacts
Accounts with Advertiser Agency relations with Media interestsAccounts with Advertiser Agency relations with Media interestsAccounts & Contacts
Ad Prices with inactive ComponentsActive Ad Prices with inactive Ad Spec ComponentsOther Reports
Advertiser Agency - Media Campaign - Campaign ItemThis reports lets you view all MC with their Line Items and revenue schedule which belong to a certain Advertiser Agency relation.Other Reports
Campaign Item Revenue Splits with MC OwnerCampaign Item Revenue Splits with MediaCampaign OwnerForecasts
Campaign Items w/o Invoice ItemsA Report Type that shows all Campaign Items with or without connected Invoice Items, to deliver an overview about the billing status of Campaigns.Other Reports
Export for Nielsen/Media FocusA prepared export, which can be saved as .csv and directly sent to Nielsen/Media Focus.Other Reports
Free Copy ShippingsList all Recipient for Free Copy ShippmentsContracts and Orders
Media Campaigns w/o Items w/o Revenue SchedulesMedia Campaigns with or without Campaign Items and with or without Revenue SchedulesOther Reports
Media Campaigns with Campaign Items and Ad SpecMedia Campaigns with Campaign Items and Ad Spec dataOther Reports
Media Campaigns with Campaign Items with Revenue SchedulesMedia Campaigns with Campaign Items with Revenue SchedulesOther Reports
Media Campaigns with Campaign Items with Selected AreacodesMedia Campaigns with Campaign Items with Selected AreacodesOther Reports
Media Campaigns with Campaign Items with Selected CitiesMedia Campaigns with Campaign Items with Selected CitiesOther Reports
Media Campaigns with Campaign Items with Selected CountriesMedia Campaigns with Campaign Items with Selected CountriesOther Reports
Media Campaigns with Campaign Items with Voucher CopiesMedia Campaigns with Campaign Items with Voucher CopiesOther Reports
Media Campaigns with Items w/o Delivery DataMedia Campaigns with Campaign Items and Revenue Schedules and with or without Delivery DataOther Reports
Media Campaigns with Items with Publication DatesShows Media Campaigns with Campaign Items with Publication Dates.Other Reports
Programmatic DataProgrammatic DataOther Reports
Publisher Payout Contracts with Conditions and IDsPublisher Payout Contracts with Publisher Payout Conditions and Publisher Payout AdServer Id AssignmentsOther Reports
RateCard ReportCreate reports to view your AdSpecs with AdPricesOther Reports
Report Guaranteed AI per Ad SpecCreate reports to view guaranteed AI per ad specOther Reports
RTB DataThis report type is used to visualize RTB data.Other Reports
Sales Goals with Revenue SplitSales Goals with Revenue SplitForecasts

Media Campaigns with Campaign Items and EnhancedDD

Media Campaigns with Campaign Items and Enhanced Delivery DataOther Reports

Media Campaigns with Campaign Items with RSD

Media Campaigns with Campaign Items with Revenue Schedules DailyOther Reports

Unfortunately, these packaged report types can't be modified by you anymore. If you need to add custom fields, please have your administrator copy and recreate the type with your own fields again.