6.2.1 Invoice Wizard

6.2.1 Invoice Wizard

The Old invoice wizard (visualforce page) feature will be discontinued by the end of 2024

The invoice wizard will help you with the following:

  • Create all invoices for a particular invoice interval

  • See all invoices at a glance

  • Find the right invoices easily using the invoice search and

  • Create a print job for all invoices immediately.

Invoices are always created out of pre-invoices. Go to Overview and open the Invoice Wizard or Invoice Wizard (Lightning)

As soon as you transform a pre-invoice into an invoice using the billing run, the invoice should not be edited. If adjustments need to be made after the billing run we advise canceling the invoice or invoice items. Invoices are un-deletable after the billing run. This is necessary to guarantee secure accounting and consistent data. (Your administrators might have also taken the rights of you to edit an invoice at all manually.) To make changes use 6.4 Cancellations & Credit Notes.

Invoice Wizard (Lightning) 

The four phases of the billing run :

  1. Update Pre-invoices - Please note, that this phase is not existing in the Old Billing run

  2. Assign a number to invoices 

  3. Create PDF documents

  4. Send PDF per email to the recipient(s)

  1. Filter Invoice Criteria

    1. To be able to transform a pre-invoice into an invoice, first search for the according pre-invoices using these filters:

      1. Find pre-invoices by selecting a Payment Interval, Payment Start or Due Date, or additionally, search for Media Campaign name accounts associated or use the Campaign Runtime or Billing Run Start/End Date.

      2. You can also set the Planned Invoice Date (Start and End) manually.

      3. Click the button Filter to start the search or Reset to clear all filters

  2. Invoice all selected Records

    1. To create invoices:

      1. Select the records you like to invoice by using the checkboxes.

      2. Click the button Invoice selected Records to convert pre-invoices to invoices.

      3. Click the button Reset to define other specific filter criteria to find pre-invoices.

    2. Configure which fields show in your Invoice Wizard Lightning data table through a feature setting

  3. Invoice all selected Records

    1. Configure the invoice settings for your billing run, such as Invoice Date (see point b), Accounting Period

      1. You can configure the invoice date for all invoices in your Billing Run using the Invoice Date Field. Leaving this field blank invoices all invoices with their planned invoice date

      2. When Accounting Periods are in use, you will need to assign an Accounting Period to the billing run. This will be pre-populated based on the Invoice Date entered but you can also change this manually. 

      3. You can also opt to receive additional email notifications throughout each phase of the billing run

      4. Press Invoice selected Records to start your billing run

    2. From version 2.125 onwards, you can configure the default Invoice Date for your Invoice Wizard directly in the Administration Settings.

Invoice Wizard (we strongly recommend using Lightening version of the billing run above)

The Old invoice wizard (visualforce page) feature will be discontinued by the end of 2024

  1. Filter Invoice Criteria

    1. To be able to transform a pre-invoice into an invoice, first search for the according pre-invoices using these filters:

      1. Find pre-invoices by selecting a Payment Interval, Payment Start or Due Date, or additionally, search for Media Campaign name, and accounts associated or use the Campaign Runtime or Billing Run Start/End Date.

      2. You can also set the Planned Invoice Date (Start and End) manually.

      3. Click the button Show Invoices to start the search.

  2. Invoice all selected Records

    1. To create an invoice(s):

      1. Check the Pre-Invoice update status to ensure all the information on CI is up-to-date

      2. Select the records you like to invoice by using the checkboxes.

      3. Click the button Invoice selected Records to convert pre-invoices to invoices.

      4. Click the button Back to Criteria Input to define other specific filter criteria to find pre-invoices.

      5. Choose between Email or Print to define if you want to print all invoices or send them via email. If you always use one type have your administrator select that one as a default value or establish a workflow.

    2. From version 2.125 onwards, you can configure the default Invoice Date for your Invoice Wizard directly in the Administration Settings.

Version 2.109 and up: You can set up a list of email recipients for the result emails. Find out how here: 7.2.10 How to configure additional email recipients for ADvendio processes and features

Error Message

If you are starting a new billing run and you get the following error message

  • "At the moment another billing run is in process. Please go back to the list of invoices or restart your billing run." or

  • "Derzeit ist ein weiterer Rechnungslauf im Gange. Bitte gehen Sie zurück und starten den Rechnungslauf erneut"

check your billing run records for the following flag

ADvendio__IsRunning__c = True

and deactivate the checkbox. Afterwards, try again.

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