5.2.3 Sales/Booking KPI Dashboard
5.2.3 Sales/Booking KPI Dashboard
Version | 2.92 and up |
Supported Adservers | all |
On this Page we will shortly explain the use of their components.
General Overview
You find the Dashboards by selecting the Dashboards Tab.
Go to All Folders → ADvendio Dashboards and select
- Sales KPI or
- Booking KPI.
If you see in the ADvendio Dashboards folder a Dashboards called "Sales" or "Booking" you can delete it as these are older versions of the new Dashboards.
Sales KPI Dashboard
Component Name | Use |
Conversion Rate of Proposal CFY | This component shows the media campaign owners according to their conversion probability of proposal by fiscal year. |
Pay Factor per Advertiser | This component shows the Pay Factor per Advertiser. |
Pay Factor per Advertiser/Agency | This component shows the PayFactor per Advertiser/Agency. |
Pay Factor per Agency | This component shows the Pay Factor per Agency. |
Pay Factor per Campaign Item | This component shows the Pay Factor per Campaign Item. |
Pay Factor per Media Campaign Owner | This component shows the Pay Factor per Media Campaign Owner. |
Pay Factor per Site | This component shows the Pay Factor per Site. |
Revenue per Advertising Medium | This component shows the N2 Revenue per Advertising Medium (Site) by fiscal year. |
Revenue per Customer/Agency | This component shows the total net revenue this year by Customer and Agency. |
Sales Goal vs. Revenue by Employee CFY | This component compares the actual revenue with the employee's forecasted goals for the current fiscal year in percent. |
Visit Report Records CFY | This component shows the number of visit reports by Sales Representative / Owner for the current fiscal year. |
Booking KPI Dashboard
Component Name | Use |
Booksize Adfill Rate per PublicationDate | This component shows the Average Ad fill Rate per Site by fiscal quarter. |
Campaign Items per Order / Year | This component shows the Number of Campaign Items per Campaign / Fiscal Year (current and previous). |
Contract Changes Campaign | This component counts the Optimizing Versions per Media Campaign. |
Contract Changes in Advertiser/Agency Relationships | This component counts the Optimizing Versions per Advertiser Agency Relation by fiscal year. |
Customize Dashboards
You can alter the ADvendio Dashboards to fit your needs.
To do so you only need to click the Edit button and select the pencil to edit the component you would like to customize.