/ What are the most common error cases during the creative upload to Google Ad Manager and how to fix them? What are the most common error cases during the creative upload to Google Ad Manager and how to fix them?


You are trying to submit your creatives from ADvendio to Google Ad Manager, but the status Error is returned.

What are the most common error cases? What do they mean? And how can you fix them?


There are three types of errors you can encounter when uploading your creatives to Google Ad Manager.

  1. General problems in the process and the communication between ADvendio and the AdServer

  2. Problems when uploading images or files to Google Ad Manager

  3. Problems when trying to connect creatives to your line items, so that they will start delivering

Each problem will require different steps to solve.


General Problems in the process, configuration or communication

When there are general problems in the process, you will not reach the submit window as usual, but instead, a red message will be shown on top of the screen.

Alternatively, it might also be, that you can’t see the AdMaterial Management at all and instead see error screens like this:


The most common error messages and their solutions are:

Error message

what does it mean?

how to solve it?

Error message

what does it mean?

how to solve it?

Invalid setup

Your Media Campaign is missing an Advertiser

No valid advertiser could be found for your campaign

Make sure an advertiser account is assigned to your Media Campaign in the account field.

Make sure the valid permissions for the field and the account object set

Invalid setup

There was no template found that matches this Campaign Items' Ad Type

For your current Campaign Item, no valid Creative Templates could be found.

Please check if there is an assignment between Ad Creatives Templates and the Ad Type of your Campaign Item.

See also the instruction on how to set up the creative upload feature: [Creative Upload] Set Up Google Ad Manager Creative Upload Features

The creative submit process ended because there were one or more errors in the process. User has to accept OAuth: user hasn't approved this consumer

The ADvendio Gateway has no authentication to access or modify the Salesforce data, this is required for the communication between ADvendio and external systems.

You will need to authenticate the ADvendio Gateway to access your data. Find more information here:

1.6 How to authenticate/authorize ADvendio Gateway for the use of our Third Party System integrations? Authorize ADvendio message / OAuth

The creative submit process ended because there were one or more errors in the process. No Connected System connection information has been found.

ADvendio could not find to which a valid connection for your creative, hence it did not know to which system to send the data.

Please check if your Ad Creative Template has a connection entered.

See also the instruction on how to set up the creative upload feature: [Creative Upload] Set Up Google Ad Manager Creative Upload Features


Problems during the upload of creative files



The most common error messages and their solutions are:

Error message

what does it mean?

how to solve it?

Error message

what does it mean?

how to solve it?

Creative Upload Error: CreativeSize information not found


There is no target size defined for the creative. This is required by Google, to configure for which slot sizes the creative is valid.

If you have a field for the size, please fill it with a valid value such as 300x250.

If there isn’t such field, please contact your system administrator to modify the creative template for one: [Creative Upload] Set Up Google Ad Manager Creative Upload Features

Creative Upload Error DestinationURL has not a valid value.

There is no destination URL set, this is typically the page, where a user gets once the ad is clicked.

If you have a field for the Destination URL, please set it with a valid URL.

If there isn’t such field, please contact your system administrator to modify the creative template for one: [Creative Upload] Set Up Google Ad Manager Creative Upload Features

Creative Upload Error DestinationURLType has not a valid value.

The type of URL is not set, this is mostly required for image and custom creatives by Google. You can set it to be a website, an app or a phone number

If you have a field for the Destination URL Type, please set it with a valid URL. Default for a website is ‘CLICK_TO_WEB’

If there isn’t such field, please contact your system administrator to modify the creative template for one: [Creative Upload] Set Up Google Ad Manager Creative Upload Features

Creative Upload Error: Image creatives require an Image File Asset.

There is no image file attached to upload to Google.

If you have an attachment field, make sure to upload a file and save before trying to submit to Google Ad Manager.

If there isn’t such field or it still doesn’t work, please contact your system administrator to modify the creative template: [Creative Upload] Set Up Google Ad Manager Creative Upload Features

[ImageError.UNEXPECTED_SIZE @ Reason: UNEXPECTED_SIZE, IRS response code: 4]

The target size is not in a valid format for Google Ad Manager.

If you have a target size field, make sure that the size in there is in the format ‘300x250’

If there isn’t such field or it still doesn’t work, please contact your system administrator to modify the creative template: [Creative Upload] Set Up Google Ad Manager Creative Upload Features

[InvalidUrlError.INVALID_FORMAT @ [0].destinationUrl]

The destination / click URL you set for your creative isn’t the right format for Google Ad Manager.

Please try to set the URL either as




[AuthenticationError.NETWORK_NOT_FOUND @ ; trigger:'1234567']

ADvendio could not find the right Google Ad Manager network.

Please check the configuration of your Ad Manager Connection in ADvendio and check if the correct network id is set. How to connect an AdServer / SSP to ADvendio?

Creative Upload Error: No creative type has been set.

ADvendio could not find the creative type you are trying to upload. This is required to use the right service of the Google Ad Manager API.

Make sure the Ad Creative Template in ADvendio has a creative type set:[Creative Upload] Set Up Google Ad Manager Creative Upload Features



Problems while assigning a creative to a line item



The most common error messages and their solutions are:

Error message

what does it mean?

how to solve it?

Error message

what does it mean?

how to solve it?

Creative Assignment Error: AdServer ID in Creative Object has not been found.

No Id for the creative your using in ADvendio can be found, thus it was not possible to connect your Campaign Item with the Creative in Google Ad Manager.

If an error happened during the initial upload of the creative, check the table above on how to solve this error.

You can also check on the AdCreative record, if a creative ID is given. When the field is empty it has not been uploaded to Google yet.

Please make sure that at least read permissions on the AdCreative object and all related fields are there.

Creative Assignment Error: AdServer ID in Campaign Item has not been found.

No Ad ID was found for your Campaign Item, thus ADvendio could not connect the creative with an item in Google Ad Manager.

Please check if your campaign item has already been submitted to Google.

If this has not been the case, you can use the ADvendio submit feature to send it to Google Ad Manager. If an error during the submit happened you might need to contact your AdOps team or System Administrator. The following page can also provide an overview about most common problems and how to solve them: 4.4.3 Error messages (Google Ad Manager integration)

[RequiredSizeError.NOT_ALLOWED @ [0].size; trigger:'300x250-null']

This error is directly returned from Google. It says that the size of your current creative (in this case 300x250) is not allowed on the line item.

Check which Slot Size is configured for your Campaign Item. You can do so on the connected Ad Type record.


Creative Assignment Info: The selected creative is already associated to this line item.

This is not an error, just an info we include in the email, that the creative was already assigned to your item and we did not further modify any data.

Nothing to do.

Creative Upload Error: An error has occurred when sending Creative to GAM:

[AssetError.NON_UNIQUE_NAME @ [0].variable.LOGO; trigger:'115x60_logo.jpg']

This error shows that GAM file names need to be unique and this error message comes, when there is already a file with the same name uploaded.

Rename your file to proceed with creative upload.

The same applies if you are using the same file for creative which has been already uploaded in GAM.

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that:

two creatives using the same file would try to create two files with the same name in Google Ad Manager.

Creative Assignment Error: An error has occurred when assigning Creative to GAM: Cannot invoke "String.startsWith(String)" because "xml" is null

This is an unexpected error by the Google AdManager API, it could mean that your Creative Type is not valid for the Line Item Type, but unfortunately currently the GAM API is not able to respond the exact error message.

Check your Campaign Item / Line Item, is it of the right type for the desired creative?

E.g. A Display Line Item can not use Video or Audio Creatives.


There is no further setup required

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