Which data is used in the availability check for Freewheel and how to view Final Delivered Impressions (FFDI)

Which data is used in the availability check for Freewheel and how to view Final Delivered Impressions (FFDI)


Order Manager - Fulfilment

External Systems



You are planning your Campaign Items for Freewheel and want to make sure that all your items are actually available within Freewheel so that you are not overbooking. In ADvendio there is much different information displayed and you want to make sure which of these is equal to which Freewheel information?

Also, Freewheel offers additional differentiation when showing the availability, by having Net Available Impressions and so-called Final Delivered Impressions (FFDI), is that information shown in ADvendio?


When doing the availability check for Freewheel, ADvendio shows three different pieces of information:

  • Matched Quantity

  • Available Quantity

  • Final Available Quantity


Matched Quantity - forecast for the maximum quantity reached or matched quantity which is taking value from the overall available booking quantity to match quantity you get in the result returned from the AdServer

Available Quantity - forecast net available (or Transactional availability) as returned by Freewheel

Final Available Quantity - Forecast from Freewheel on final available quantity to be Delivered Impressions (FFDI)


You can see Final Delivered Impressions (FFDI) in our check availability feature. This means, each time you check the availability in ADvendio, this information will also be shown to you.

We added a new field to our availability check called: ‘Final available quantity’. You can see this in the UI as an own field, or in the result email.

This information will only be shown for Freewheel-related Campaign Items. All Campaign Items related to a different system will contain the usual fields.

Please keep in mind, the final available quantity is right now only an additional information for your planning in ADvendio. The symbol, whether a Campaign Item is treated as ‘available’ or ‘not available’ is still based upon the available quantity and the requested number (usually the Campaign Item quantity field). So it might be the final available quantity is lower than the requested quantity, but ADvendio still shows the item as available!


To access this information in ADvendio, we added a new field to our Campaign Item object:

  • Final Availability (FinalAvailability__c)

Please make sure that the users of your Freewheel integration will have read and edit permission to this field. If you like, you can also add it to your Campaign Item page layout.

When using check availability from our media configuration, we recommend using the tab setup, to add the new field as a column in the media configuration. This way you can always see the results of the availability check after closing the window, while you further edit your items in the media configuration.

Additionally to the new field, there are of course the fields and objects which are always required when using our third-party integrations:7.3.8 Which permissions and rights are needed for a user to access ADvendio Connect and the integration of third party systems?




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