4.12.1 Ad Material Management

4.12.1 Ad Material Management


The purpose of this functionality is to create a Briefing Script/Advertising Material to get it approved by the line manager and client to make it ready for publication. We would like to help our customers satisfy their creative and media requirements in terms of TV, print, radio and digital. From the initial request for creative through the fulfilment process and finally the link up to the booking.

Important Information

Make sure NOT to delete or deactive the values in the picklist field status. Read more here: Release and Upgrade Tips & Tricks


  • Create a Briefing Scripts/Advertising Material record using the salesforce standard page

  • Set up the Contacts including their roles

  • Submit it for approval to the line manager or the client. Learn more about the Ad Material Management - Approval Process.

If you don’t have sufficient access please contact your administrator. You need to be able to not only read but edit Briefing Scripts/Advertising Material in order to use this function. Here are the instructions to the 8.4.1 Setup Ad Material Approvals.

1. Briefing Scripts/Advertising Material

1.1 Create a new Briefing Script/Advertising Material record

Open the App Launcher and Type "Briefing Script" or "Advertising Material" to find the Object and open. Click on New.

  • Choose the record type: InHouse Production or External Production

Fill in the following fields in the sections:

System Information

Please fill in the 

  • The Record Name and

  • the Contact (not required anymore after Version 2.96 and up)

Media Information

Motif Spot Creative AD

  • Link here the related Campaign Item or add a URL.  Version 2.95 has a related list to link to the respective Campaign Item.

Workflow Information

  • Choose whether you are using the Ad or Script Workflow or both.


  • Define and describe your Goals and Targets for this Ad or Script. 

Other Information

  • Fill in any other information. Your administrator might have added custom fields to this object.

The record will be created with default status  "New Script".

2. Related Records

Version 2.89 and up (earlier versions of ADvendio use fields within the record).

The Briefing Script/Advertising Material has the option to use the following related objects:

2.1 Publication Dates

Version 2.89 and up

Select here one or more related publication dates for this Briefing Script/Advertising Material. 

2.2 Ad Material Contacts

Version 2.89 and up

Choose the contacts which are needed for the creation and approval of this script. For each contact choose the appropriate role out of the following:

  • Supplier

  • Creator

  • Approver

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