Salesforce Winter '23/Spring '23 Release Update - Enhanced Domains

Salesforce will enforce a release update called “Enhanced Domains” to comply with the latest browser and security standards.

Where & When:

The enforcement will happen:

  • for sandbox orgs with the Winter ‘23 release of Salesforce (latest 15th September 2022) and

  • for production orgs with the Spring ‘23 release of Salesforce (around February 2023).

To get the Salesforce major release upgrade date for your instance, go to Salesforce Trust Status, search for your instance, and click the maintenance tab.

What to do

This update will require administrators of ADvendio to change a setting for the Booking Calendar within the Salesforce org setup as otherwise the Booking Calendar won’t be usable anymore from the update day onwards.

The view on the Booking Calendar might look like this with a warning banner at the top:

Please navigate to Setup Security Controls Remote Site Settings and create a new remote site

The setting change can already be prepared for production orgs but we will send a reminder mail before the release update will be enforced in production orgs as well.

Please see the steps on how to proceed:

  1. If Enhanced Domains were already enabled, continue with step 3.

  2. If Enhanced Domains were not enabled yet but you want to solve this before the update is being enforced go to Setup > Release Updates.

    1. Look for Enable Enhanced Domains (it might be shown under a different tab then the first tab, e.g. “Overdue”).

    2. Follow the steps described to enable Enhanced Domains.

    3. Continue with step 3.

  3. Open the Booking Calendar. If you see the orange banner at the top of the component please follow the steps described while copying the mentioned URL into your clipboard. In the example shown above it would be ““.

  4. Go to Setup > Security > Remote Site Settings and open the Remote Site Settings

  5. If existing yet, you can edit the setting for “PositionChart“ or “BookingCalendar“ or you can create a new setting. If so, please continue with step 6.

    1. Override the value for Remote Site URL with the one in your clipboard and click “Save”. After that you can continue with step 7.

  6. To create a new Remote Site please hit the button “New Remote Site“.

    1. Enter any Remote Site name, like “BookingCalendar“.

    2. Add the URL from the warning of the Booking Calendar from your clipboard.

    3. Save

  7. To confirm that the change worked you can go back to the Booking Calendar via the App Launcher > Booking Calendar. When the warning banner disappeared everything is set to continue working with it.