[Forecast] How to configure Check Availability by Freewheel

[Forecast] How to configure Check Availability by Freewheel






Order Manager  -  Fulfilment


Freewheel offers for its Forecasting features to select one of three Forecast Modes. These will influence the results you receive, as well as your performance. Can you select which Forecast mode to use in ADvendio, in order to improve your results?


With version 2.116.3 we enabled the usage of Forecasting API v4 of Freewheel. Additionally, Freewheel offers three different mode for your Item  Forecast.

  • Regular Forecast

  • Simplified: A quicker forecast, but with less information and accuracy

  • Machine Learning Hybrid: A new Forecast using machine learning to deliver more accurate results

You can now decide which of these to use. To do so, please select the value you’d like to use on your Freewheel Connection record. Please set up the field Connection Features for this and select your desired Forecast Mode.

Please make sure to select only one value at a time, else your users will receive an error message. If you don't configure anything in the Adserver Features field, we will use the Regular Forecast

Attention: The ML Hybrid Forecast requires additional permissions for your Freewheel user, else you will receive an error message. Please contact Freewheel support for more information.


To use this feature, you need to make sure you have access permissions and can see the field Connection Features on the object Connection. In order to configure this you need to do two steps in setup:

  1. Configure the Page Layout of your Freewheel Login, to show the field Adserver Features

  2. Create three new picklist values for the field Adserver Features (Regular Forecast, Simplified Forecast, ML Hybrid Forecast) and make sure to assign them to the Record Type Freewheel.

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