How to use Equativ Insertions with a shared goal in ADvendio

How to use Equativ Insertions with a shared goal in ADvendio


Equativ (SMART)


Product Manager - Product Manager / Sales Support / Marketing ;

Order Manager  -  Fulfilment


Equativ Integration uses Insertions as individual items to deliver advertisements. There is the possibility to combine multiple Insertions with a shared goal. This means that there are two different Insertions, but both together have a goal of, let’s say 10.000 Impressions, and after reaching that, both items stop delivering.

Can you use such structures in the Equativ Integration from ADvendio?


In the past, there has been a logic where ADvendio was using shared goal, when having multiple format Ids selected, this has however been updated following release 2.166.

See more information: How to target Equativ Items' multiple formats in ADvendio


Usually, ADvendio Campaign Items will be pushed to Equativ as single Insertions. There is currently no way to activate a shared goal when using our Submit to AdSever feature. However, you can use multiple Insertions in the ADvendio delivery reports. This means a single Campaign Item in ADvendio will receive delivery data from multiple Items in Equativ.

To do so, start your Media Campaign planning as usual and then submit the desired Campaign Item to Equativ.

Now you should have a single new Insertion in Equativ, which you can see in the UI like this:

What you can do now, is create new Insertions, which should use a shared goal with the already created one. Create them in the Equativ UI and adjust all the settings as required.

Now you need to copy all insertion Ids you see in Equativ. Go to the ADvendio Campaign Item and paste them into the field: Additional Ad IDs. Singular insertion ids should be separated by a semicolon, like this:


This now has connected your ADvendio Campaign Item to multiple Insertions with a shared goal. What does this mean going forward? It means, that in our delivery report features, we will get the delivery data like impressions and clicks, from all the listed insertions and aggregate them, before saving them in ADvendio.

In this way, you can track progress in a single Campaign Item and also only a single position will be invoiced to your customers.


To use this feature there is no specific configuration needed.

Once created, ADvendio saves an External Group Id, which is needed for our Equativ integration to share the common goal across all the insertions created. This part is needed for the technical integration. The field can be included in the page layout and shown to the user, but that is not necessary to submit items to Equativ.

Please make sure that the relevant user profile has read and edit permissions to this field.