/ [Integration Overview] Pinterest [Integration Overview] Pinterest

Available with Version

2.168 and up

Available with Version

2.168 and up

ADvendio Edition

ADvendio ONE


With the ADvendio Release of the 2.168 version, we’re supporting the integration of Pinterest.

Pinterest is our newest addition to the Media Buying Integrations and will help you to seamlessly report on your media cost and performance data from the platform.

Who will benefit from this integration?

The Pinterest integration allows retailers to tap into Pinterest's engaged user base and leverage its unique advertising capabilities. By integrating with Pinterest through ADvendio, retailers can create visually captivating ad campaigns, reaching a receptive audience and driving significant traffic and conversions.

What is required to use the integration?

As a Media Buying AdServer integration, Pinterest is fully covered by your ADvendio ONE license.

If you are not a customer of ADvendio Connect yet and are interested in using our Pinterest integration, please contact your Technical Account Manager or our Customer Success Team, for more information.

How to set up and use the integration?

To find out more about the Pinterest integration setup, and configuration, have a look at the linked pages:




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