/ [Freewheel] Account Targeting in Campaign Builder [Freewheel] Account Targeting in Campaign Builder


Meeting the minimum requirements for the creation and submit of Freewheel Programmatic Guaranteed (PG) Deals.


As a Freewheel user, you can now select Advertiser Targeting while creating a Programmatic Guaranteed (PG) Deal in the Campaign Builder. This feature ensures all required advertiser information is included.

How to Use Advertiser Targeting in the Campaign Builder

  1. Access Campaign Builder Targeting selection

  2. Select Advertiser Targeting:

    • In the Targeting section of the Campaign Builder, you can now choose Advertiser targeting options.

    • The available categories for selection are:

      • Buyers: You can select one or more buyers.

      • Global Agencies: You can select one or more global agencies.

        • Unable at the moment

  3. Saving Targeting Data:

    • Once you’ve selected your advertiser targeting, the information will be saved.

  4. Review Targeting Summary:

    • Your selected advertiser targeting will appear in the Targeting Summary, similar to other targeting types.

Important Rules for Selecting Advertiser Targeting

Buyer Selection Validation

  • All selected buyers must belong to the same Marketplace. So while selecting the Buyer, the related DSP (last part of the buyer name after the “-” separator) needs to be the same for all selections. Buyers for other DSPs will be greyed out once you select one.



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