Breaking Change: Version 2.173 and above: Update of License Information for every ADvendio org

Breaking Change: Version 2.173 and above: Update of License Information for every ADvendio org


2.173 and above


2.173 and above

Affected clients

Everyone upgrading to version 2.173 and above

If you do not follow this step, your users won’t be able to use any ADvendio feature in production instances as they will always show an error message.

What will change?

Please note that with 2.173 we introduced a mechanism to manage the licensing of ADvendio better. Therefore an action will be required for you as an Admin before users can continue using ADvendio as expected: Schedule a weekly Apex job and run it.

If you do not follow this step, your users won’t be able to use any ADvendio feature in production instances because they will always show an error message.

Why are we doing this?

This is an initial adjustment as part of a new license and feature management strategy that we will be rolling out gradually over the next year to accommodate the planned expanded range of features, new add-on products and new editions of ADvendio.

What do you have to do?

After the Installation of the 2.173 release and above (but just once), you (the Administrator) will need to open the newly created “Administration Panel” from the App Launcher and click the button on the page to trigger the job and run it once (see screenshot below). This is only relevant for your production environments.

Screenshot 2024-11-14 at 10.12.08.png

What If I don’t do this?

In sandbox orgs nothing will change.

In production orgs your users won’t be able to use any ADvendio feature in production instances as they will always show an error message “This feature can currently not be used due to an outstanding action.“ and subtext “Please ask your administrator for help. Our Wiki provides more information about this change…”
