[Error messages] CRITEO DSP

[Error messages] CRITEO DSP


While using our Criteo DSP integration with features like checking availability or submitting, an error message may appear directly from the Criteo API. What does an error from the API mean, and how should we handle this?



When submitting data from ADvendio to external platforms, two platforms are always involved. ADvendio is the system that sends data and the external platform (e.g. the AdServer) receives data.

This can have different reasons, for example, a problem with the authentication against the external system, a missing setting in ADvendio, or you are trying something which is generally not allowed (like changing the start date of an already running position, sending an invalid targeting, etc). Here we will be looking at the most common error messages returned from our Criteo integration, what they mean, and how to prevent them.


What are the most common error cases?


In the following table, you'll be equipped with a clear understanding of Criteo error messages, the reasons behind them, and the necessary steps to troubleshoot and overcome integration challenges you may encounter:

  1. Error Message:
    You'll see a list of different error messages, each with its type and wording.

  2. Reason:
    We provide explanations to help you understand what caused the error message. This will give you insights into why the issue occurred.

  3. Solution:
    For each error message, we offer troubleshooting steps to resolve the problem. These steps guide you toward finding a solution and getting past the error.

Error Message



Error Message



Auto daily pacing can only be enabled for campaigns if there exists a monthly pace or a total campaign budget with a valid end date.

Auto daily pacing is selected with the Unlimited Budget checkbox selected

You need to provide a Total and Monthly Budget, it does not work with an unlimited budget

Unable to create line item: Invalid retailer ID.

A retailer is associated with a different advertiser

Please select a Retailer that belongs to the right Advertiser (account)

Line item with that name already exists on specified campaign

Already existing Line Item with that name

Rename Buying Item to a different one

End date is not valid, value should be greater than or equal to the start date, and greater than today's date

End date in the past

Update end fate with a valid value. (NO PROBLEM if we have a start date in the past)

Invalid maxbid: Max bid is not valid for a click bid strategy, value should be null

Optimization strategy “Clicks” does NOT accept Max Bid value

Max bid must be empty when optimization strategy is clicks

Products output: Something happened while adding/removing products, Line Item (100xxxxx): Append Products failed due to bad request: Append products failed for XX of the products: 10XXXX: not found in retailer catalog or not permitted due to brand filtering

Wrong product(s) associated with a Retailer

Check that the product exists in the platform before associating it to a Retailer

Click Lookback Window must be greater than or equal to View Lookback Window

View Lookback Window has higher values than Click Lookback Window

Adjust the right values expected

  • Ex. If I select 7 days on the post click I can't select 30 days on the Post view

For most common error cases have a look here at 7.8 Troubleshooting Error Messages: Resolving Common Issues and Solutions.