1.1.4 Data Synchronization: Connect ADvendio.com with your External Systems: AdServers, SSPs, DSPs

1.1.4 Data Synchronization: Connect ADvendio.com with your External Systems: AdServers, SSPs, DSPs


Once your data is synchronized, managing and controlling the communication between ADvendio and your AdServer can be a concern.


To synchronize your inventory database with external systems, you must establish a connection between ADvendio and the system and transfer relevant product data. To create a new Connections login and establish a connection from your ADvendio system to your AdServer, SSP, DSP, or other third-party systems for ADvendio connect features, follow the steps below. At this stage, a connection implies the one-way export of AdServer IDs to your ADvendio system. None of the information stored in your AdServer will be changed, expanded, or removed.

You can terminate any communication between ADvendio and your AdServer by deactivating the Connection login. To do so, go to the Connections login, click edit, and uncheck the Active box.

For detailed information on the AdServers supported by ADvendio, please see section 7.3 Connecting Third-Party Systems

Create a New Connection Login


To create a new Connections login:

  • Go to the App Launcher and search for Connections

Existing Connection Login

  • In case you have already created a Connection and wish to connect it now, select the Connection No from the list and Edit the necessary fields of the existing Connections record. And you can proceed with the Transfer to ADvendio button.

Create New Connection Steps

You are able to create logins for multiple Connections you work with. Click on New to open the following page:

  1. First Select Record Type from a pick list.

  2. Enter basic information, including your Username and Password for your Connection environment.

  3. Optionally add a description

  4. Fill in any other fields needed

  5. Click Save the record to successfully create a Connection login.

Test Connection Login

To test the Connection, open the new Connections login and proceed with the following step.

  • Click the custom button Check Login to test the connection.


  • In case the connection does not work, please check your user name and password, network ID and other specifics for your Connection Which Login User do I use to create Login records

  • If the connection works, you can proceed to transfer your Connection data to your ADvendio.com system using the Transfer to ADvendio button.


  • The result page will display exactly how many items have been transferred to your system. These items are displayed in related lists under the Connection login record.


For further details read more 7.3.2 Transfer Data from the AdServer.