3.3.3 Create and Update Rates Wizard

3.3.3 Create and Update Rates Wizard

The Create and Update Rates Wizard lets you can manage your rates after entering some search criteria. It helps you to keep your inventory database up to date easily. With a few clicks you can create a new price for all ad specs which meet your entered criteria. This way you can e.g. create a new CPM rate for all ad specs with the ad type 'Leaderboard' and the rate category 'Run Of Site' for the next year.

There is only one active rate per

  • billing category,
  • rate card and
  • currency
  • at a time,

therefore existing rates for the same ad specs are updated.

To prevent mistakenly changing rates, existing rates that would be affected by the new price are searched for and displayed automatically.

Navigate to the App Launcher → Create & Update Rates

1. Enter Rate Card and Ad Price Information

Enter your rate criteria:

  1. Rate Card: Select the rate card which you like work on.
  2. Valid from, Valid to: (optionally) Specify the period during which the rates are to be valid. If the field is left blank, all new prices are valid indefinitely.
  3. ActiveSpecify if the new rates should be active. There can be an indefinite number of inactive rates but only one active price for the combination at a time.
  4. Rate Category: Enter a rate category
  5. Ad TypeEnter the criteria for which ad specs with the selected ad type the new rates are to be created.
  6. Billing Category: Enter a Billing Category
  7. List Price: Specify rate information for the new price.

You can either check whether there are already rates for your specified criteria. In general, these are automatically searched for already. 

With the Create New Rates and Update Existing Rates button new rates are created and (if applicable) existing rates updated.

2. Display of Changed Rates

The screen immediately displays feedback on the new rates.
Further below you find detailed information on the changes you made:

  1. You see an overview of existing rates which overlap with the entered criteria. These are the rates you are about to change.
  2. It is displayed how the existing rates are changed when you create new rates with the currently specified criteria. For example, this rate update leads to a deactivation of the rate as we have not stated any valid period.
  3. If you tick the Select checkbox of an ad spec and click the Delete Selected Rates button, the rate will be deleted.

3. Display Detailed Information

To display further information on the ad spec whose rates you are creating or updating, click the Info button (1). In a small popup window, you will be displayed the names of the related ad specs (2). Click on its name to open this ad spec record in a new tab and see every available piece of information on this ad spec and the assigned rates there.

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