3.6.3 Package Distribution Types

3.6.3 Package Distribution Types

When creating a package, you can choose between different distributions. The distribution relates to the impressions planned to deliver. 

1. Summary

  1. Linear distribution means that a change in the quantity within the package itself results in a linear change in the package components' guaranteed impressions. 

    • All components need to have assigned prices. 

    • All Components start and end on the same day. As a result, you only need to define the package's runtime.

    • The pricing information of linearly distributed packages can be adjusted by changing the package's quantity and sales price. While the sales price is then applied to all components, the quantity is split equally among the components.

    • Surcharges, fees and discounts will be set at the package header and are then applied to all package components

  2. Individual distribution can be applied to packages whose components are assigned to different billing categories.

    • The package header for fixed-price individual packages always has a quantity of 1. For CPM/CPC packages the quantity of the header will be the sum of all components

    • The period of time the package covers is automatically calculated by the values entered for the different components. The package runs from the earliest start date until the latest end date. Even periods of time not covered by any component will still be part of the overall timeframe covered by the package.

    • The package header price is calculated. For fixed-price packages, it's the sum of all components' prices multiplied by their entered quantity. For CPM/CPC packages the sales price is specially calculated based upon the individual components prices and their entered quantity.

    • An adjustment of the package's price is only possible by a change of parameters of the components' quantities.

    • Surcharges, fees and discounts will be set individually for each component and calculated for the package header

  3. Using prorated distribution divide the amount according to a certain percentage value.

    • Define prorated packages using the picklist value Prorated in the picklist Distribution. The percentage of each component is defined using the field Ratio. The amount (either quantity or SalesPrice for fixed-price products) will be divided according to the percentage value in the field Ratio

    • Prorated packages have the same behaviour as linear packages except for the distribution.

More details about discounts, KPI and Sales Price Surcharge calculation can be found here:

2. Distribution Combinations & Billing Categories

The following table shows the available distribution types for a Package Ad Spec, depending on the available billing category of the Ad Price for the Package Ad Spec, and the billing categories for its Component Ad Specs. It also should match the rate card if one has been chosen. Learn more about Billing Categories here. 


Version 2.88 and up

Billing Category

Billing Categories

Package Ad Spec




Surcharges + Discounts


AE / Agency

"active" Ad Price for

Package Ad Spec

at least one "active" Ad Price for each Component Ad Specs

Individual Fixed Price

Header = 1

Components need to be individually set in the media configuration

Option: Fixed Quantity

Total of all Package Prices multiplied with their quantity

Set in Components,

Package header contains earliest start date and latest end date

Set in components,

Header contains total of all absolute surcharges and the calculated average for % surcharges and discounts

TPC is set in components

AE is currently set in package header, but can be disabled for single components at the ad price

Agency Earnings can be set for each component.

Fixed Price


Individual CPM/CPC

Header = sum of components quantity

Components need to be individually set in the media configuration

Option: Fixed Quantity

The average of all components prices in relation to their entered quantity

Set in Components,

Package header contains earliest start date and latest end date

same as above

same as above

same as above






Quantity of header gets evenly distributed between all components.

Package Header Price

Defined by Package Header

Defined by Package Header

Absolute surcharges are divided among all components, % and discounts are copied to components.  Can be overwritten for all Components

Defined by Package Header, copied to all components

Agency Earnings can be set for each component.