/ Export XML Data to OBS (Integration Deprecation: November 2023) Export XML Data to OBS (Integration Deprecation: November 2023)

Important Note: OBS integration will be deprecated with the November 2023 release

If you are using the Online Booking Server http://www.obs-portal.de of the Verband Deutscher Zeitschriftenverleger e.V. (VDZ) you can administer your campaigns within ADvendio. It allows you to create your XML documents which you can then put into your outbox of your local OBS installation and send to other OBS accounts. (If your Admin has enabled the function) You will find an OBS export button on your Media Campaign:


Pressing this button will open a page with the OBS XML Format which might look like this:

which you then have to save under exportXYZ.xml and move into your OBS Export folder.

Might notice that you have not all the field you need to for your OBS form - then please contact ADvendio at support@advendio.com to add and map and custom fields.