6.5.3 Accounting Record Creation Processes
Types of Accounting record processes
ADvendio offers six types of Accounting Record Creation Processes
Collection - collects revenue for invoiced Invoices for the relevant Accounting Period
Distribution - distributes the cost/revenue for RON items based on delivery data as well as for other billing categories
Accrual Creation - creates Accrual Records for amounts delivered but not yet invoiced
Accrual Reverse - reverse entry made to offset adjusting accrual entry made in the previous Accounting Period
Deferral Creation - creates Deferral Records for amounts invoiced but not yet delivered
Deferral Reverse - reverse entry made to offset adjusting deferral entry made in the previous Accounting Period
Additionally, Accounting Record creation for the following process can be disabled:
Please use the Checkbox field on the Campaign Item level for those Campaign Items you want to exclude from the Accounting Processes below:
exclude from the accrual process
exclude from the collection process
exclude from the deferral process
exclude from the distribution process