6.5.5 Accounting Record Creation for Cancellations and Credit Notes
Version | 2.115 and up |
Cancellations and credit notes can take many forms within ADvendio:
Campaign item cancellation
Invoice cancellations
Credit notes can also have two different forms
Media Campaign - Transaction Type Creditor Transaction with a positive amount
Media Campaign - Transaction Type Debtor Transaction with a negative amount
Default Cancellation Logic
Accounting Record Creation uses a predefined logic to handle cancellations. Cancellation Campaign and Invoice Items will use currently valid Accounting Rules for cancellations. The following values will be cloned from the original Campaign or Invoice Item
from accounting record of the cancelled invoice | to cloned accounting record | |
| Invoice | Cancellation |
Cancellation | CreditNote | |
CreditNote | CreditNoteCancellation | |
CreditNoteCancellation | CreditNote | |
ADvendio__DebitCredit__c | Credit | Debit |
Debit | Credit |
Furthermore, field values for the following fields will be assumed:
Accounting records for cancellations are handled as follows:
Use Case 1
Invoice a Campaign Item
Create Accounting Records
Cancel a Campaign or Invoice Item and invoice the Cancellation
Collection & Distribution: When Accounting Records have already been created for an Item which is subsequently cancelled, cancellation records will be created on the next run of the relevant process.
Accrual and Deferral: When accrual or deferral records have been created for an Item which is subsequently cancelled, cancellation records will be created so long as the original accrual or deferral hasn't been reversed