Availabilities of Publication Dates
The Legend below the calendar will explain your availability descriptions based on its colour:
Booked, Reserved or Offered (enough available)
Booked, Reserved or Offered (Not enough available)
Not available
Overbooked or over reserved
Runtime is not fixed or might shift for one or more items - the length and dates of the Item is not fixed and might change slightly
Attention not enough inventory available to book for an entire week/ month
Selecting Publication Dates
When you select Publication Dates you will see a small dot attached next to your selected date. There are the following options :
Blue dots - will show you which dates you selected
Grey dots - will show you more details about already Offered or Booked dates and which Campaigns are already running on your selected date
Upon clicking on the grey dot the new window will open helping you to discover more information on Booked, Offered and Available Inventory